Ethan Fox Books logo featuring a dark blue book with Ethan and Stravis’ symbol representing the elemental world of Zephyr

Unlock Ethan Fox Series Secrets, Spoilers, and Teasers!

Collage of eighteen character avatars from the Ethan Fox series secrets, spoilers, and teasers.

Welcome to the Hidden Depths of the Ethan Fox Universe!

Immerse yourself in the Ethan Fox series secrets, spoilers, and teasers with this exclusive behind-the-scenes look. Delve into the mysteries, anticipate future twists, and glimpse the uncharted realms of a world filled with magic and adventure. Whether you’re a seasoned fan or just beginning the Ethan Fox saga, these insights offer a richer understanding of the characters and plots you cherish.

Discover the secrets that never reached the final pages, the spoilers that direct the story’s path, and the teasers that suggest the marvels awaiting discovery. Prepare to be enthralled by the concealed threads woven throughout the Ethan Fox universe, enhancing your reading experience and igniting your imagination. The journey into the Ethan Fox series secrets, spoilers, and teasers starts now!

Captivating avatar of Albert, pyrodevlin from elemental world Hades from the Ethan Fox Books series.Secret: Secret of the Four Elemental Worlds

The four elemental worlds of the Chrysalis (Atlantis, Ceres, Hades, and Zephyr) are visited by the Designer with a task; build a world for the Designer’s newest creation, humans.

The Council of Elders, the governing body of the four worlds is called together; they must choose one member from each of the four worlds. The chosen four will be bestowed with the power of creation, these four become the Creators.

Instructed by the Creators to form an organization of Caretakers the Council recruits a cross section of intelligent beings from the four worlds. Represented by the symbolic crest of the Chrysalis, the Caretakers are endowed with special powers of evolution.

Assigned to watch over Earth the Caretakers have three directives: (1) Protect the human race allowing it to evolve naturally on Earth without influence. (2) Guide the evolution of species native to Earth ensuring that none evolve to harm the human race. (3) And keep the existence of otherworldly creatures hidden from the human world.

Caretaker headquarters is The Residence, a quirky mysterious place located nowhere, anywhere, and everywhere in space and time. In their world, time stands still allowing the Caretakers to age slower, living thousands of years on Earth.

Captivating avatar of Hayley Ravenwood, lost stranger drawn to Ethan Fox from the Ethan Fox Books series.Spoiler: Boy Meets Girl

While vacationing in sunny California on the Santa Cruz beach boardwalk, Ethan keeps seeing a young girl he feels drawn to. Eventually, she introduces herself as Hayley and they instantly hit it off.

They stroll along the beach and share their deepest darkest secrets. Hayley has lost her memory, but Ethan makes her feel safe. She shows him the infinity ring on her finger that tells her things. Ethan shows Hayley the shiny white symbols etched into the palms of his hands and explains that he too has lost memories. Suddenly, they find themselves alone and secluded as Ethan spots a mysterious blue rabbit with yellow polka dots. Hayley cannot see it, but her ring tells her it is there.

The creature introduces itself as Jasper and tells Ethan that “the answers they seek lie at The Residence.” The creature scurries away and leads Ethan and Hayley to a bizarre sandcastle staircase into the sand. Ethan bravely inches his way down the dark stairwell as Hayley watches from above and suddenly . . . everything goes black.

Captivating avatar of Jordanna Ravenwood, Caretaker Headmistress from the Ethan Fox Books series.Teaser: Jordanna’s Butterfly-Adorned Caretaker Robe

In the ethereal expanse of the Ethan Fox universe, a seemingly ordinary Caretaker robe worn by Headmistress Jordanna Ravenwood harbors a spellbinding secret—the essence of a mystical creature known as the “Flutterby.” This robe, a canvas of enigmatic powers, features an intricate depiction of the Flutterby, whose vibrant spots not only color the garment but also symbolize the profound interconnectedness of the four elemental worlds.

As Jordanna uncovers the layers of magic woven into the fabric, the robe becomes a pivotal clue to understanding the delicate balance and hidden ties within the universe of Ethan Fox. This teaser hints at the transformative  journey that awaits, revealing how even the subtlest elements can lead to monumental discoveries in this captivating saga.

Captivating avatar of Newton, pyrodevlin from elemental world Atlantis from the Ethan Fox Books series.Secret: Secrets of the Portal Plane

The front door of The Residence leads to an eerie place; a black and white checkerboard floor as far as the eye can see leading to spooky leafless trees on the distant horizon. Nearby are the four portals, four colored (red, green, blue, yellow) metallic spheres hovering in midair, each one held in place by an electric field emanating from the ground below it. Touch one of the spheres and you are instantly transported to the corresponding world.

But the portals were locked by the Creators to prevent their use. The Caretakers cannot unlock them until certain events unfold as foretold in the Book of Creators. But Creator Stravis left a secret hidden backdoor . . . a complex puzzle that only the Hybrid Child can solve.

Captivating avatar of Ethan Fox, the main character from the Ethan Fox Books series.Spoiler: Some Ethan Fox Backstory

Ethan Fox is a thirteen-year-old boy who has no memories of anything before he was eight. He lives with his adoptive parents, George and Betsy, in a penthouse on the upper east side of Manhattan.

George is a happy-go-lucky fun-loving child of a man, and a highly successful video game designer. His “Lords and Dragons of the Dark Realm,” series became so popular that it spun off its own comic book series. Enlisting Ethan’s help on his latest creation, George triggers something in Ethan’s mind.

Ethan begins having sleepless nights as he tries to remember what is gnawing at the edges of his memory. He begins sleeping with a notepad and pen and one morning awakes to find that he has written something in his sleep. It is a poem he has never heard, “The Eyes of the Desert Sand.” Confused, Ethan decides to tell George, who will surely be interested in the strange poem. But instead, George seems shocked and is uncharacteristically abrupt with Ethan as he dismisses the poem as meaningless.

Later, Ethan hears his parents arguing about him. Betsy blames George for jogging something in Ethan’s memory. Ethan knows they are hiding something, but what?

Captivating avatar of Nicholas Knight, CAGE member and vampril species from the Ethan Fox Books series.Teaser: The Tale of Two Families

Dive into the secretive corridors of power within the Ethan Fox universe with the “Tale of Two Families,” a captivating narrative that unveils the intense rivalry between the Trabblemore and Ravenwood families. This teaser explores the dramatic shift from the disgraced Trabblemores, once revered leaders, to the honorable Ravenwoods, who rise to steer the fate of the Caretakers towards integrity and wisdom.

The feud, steeped in a history of betrayal and power struggles, not only shapes the governance of the magical world but also fuels the personal vendettas and alliances that underpin the series. Discover how this enduring conflict impacts the destinies of our beloved characters and the mystical realm they are sworn to protect.

Secret: Creator Stravis’ Secret Poem

Ethan Fox mysteriously writes a poem in his sleep and it changes his world forever . . .

The Eyes of the Desert Sand

On an old abandoned airstrip in a desert far away, lands an unknown flying saucer in the revealing light of day.

There are no creatures there to see it in this tortured barren land, no plant life there to feel it just The Eyes of the Desert Sand.

As the saucer doors swing open in a misty fog they see, a man from within the saucer from where could he possibly be?

Emerging from the saucer he steps down to the ground, pausing for a moment as he stops to look around.

He carries a flag of colors with shades from black to white, as he plants the flag into the ground it becomes a beautiful sight.

Returning to his saucer as quickly as he came, the doors swing shut behind him like a picture in a frame.

The saucer leaves undetected by the entire world at hand, unknown to all existence but The Eyes of the Desert Sand.

Captivating avatar of Azron, CAGE member and sole-eyed dwarf-giant from the Ethan Fox Books series.Spoiler: More of Ethan’s Backstory

Ethan and Betsy accompany George to GothCon, a gothic comic book convention where George is the keynote speaker. George is dressed as “Rubio, the evil minion of Krator” a popular character from his Dark Realm series of comic books; fans eagerly cheer the arrival of Rubio.

Inside the creepy convention everyone is in costume and Ethan gets an uneasy feeling when a Sandman creature points him out to two Vampires, and they look right at him. As George takes the stage, Ethan and Betsy cheer him on from backstage. But nature calls and Ethan wanders down a corridor to find a restroom.

Everything goes dark as a sack is thrust over Ethan’s head, he is being abducted. A voice in his head tells him to be calm and he is suddenly jolted free. Ethan pulls the sack from his head and sees the two Vampires making a quick exit. But a third stranger is standing over him and leering down; he wears a half-black half-white robe with a special crest, his eyes are different colors and one of his pupils is moon-shaped.

Betsy arrives and scares off the stranger. But who are the abductors Ethan wonders, and why are they after him?

Captivating avatar of Gruggins McGhee, the grumpling of the house from the Ethan Fox Books series.Teaser: Gruggins Backstory

While most of Earth’s grumpling population fled to hide from the leprechaun’s, not all of them did. Gruggins remained at The Residence, where he wages  a one grumpling war on the leprechauns and schemes to decloak and steal as much of their precious gold as possible – or so the story goes . . . But how did Gruggins really come to be at The Residence in the first place?

In turns out that Ethan and Hayley are not the only ones with lost memories of their past, Gruggins shares the same fate. In her earlier days, while performing her Caretaker duties, Jordanna Ravenwood came across the tiny lifeless body of a grumpling in a vast green pasture. She took it back to The Residence, nursed it back to health, and gave it the name Gruggins McGhee.

When he came to, Gruggins had lost all memory of what had happened to him. As a thank you, he vowed to dedicate his life to serving Jordanna in whatever manner she saw fit. Jordanna dubbed Gruggins with the title “Grumpling of the House.” But what happened to Gruggins and why can’t he remember? Does it have anything to do with the leprechaun/grumpling conflict? Read more in upcoming Ethan Fox sequels to find out . . .

Captivating avatar of Jasper, the blue taletaddler from the Ethan Fox Books series.Secret: Ethan’s Seer Connection

Once at The Residence, the symbols etched on Ethan’s palms inexplicably glow at times when he displays otherworldly abilities he didn’t know he had. But the palm symbols and his lost memories are not the only secret Ethan is keeping . . . he also has visions of walking in a vast desert while thousands of big blue eyes peek out from beneath the sand watching him. The eyes do not scare Ethan, instead they calm him and make him feel safe. The vision of the eyes is always followed by a flash to another vision, and these are the ones that always come true . . .

Upon hearing Ethan’s secret, Jordanna speculates that Ethan has formed a connection to the Seers, a powerful presence on Earth that the Caretakers know little about. The Caretakers only learned of the Seers after unearthing Creator Stravis’ bunker and finding his journal. Stravis formed a connection to the Seers and they told him of Creator Zamalador’s treachery and allegiance to the Destroyer.

What is Ethan’s connection to the Seers, and what are they trying to communicate to him? Read “Ethan Fox and the Eyes of the Desert Sand” to find out . . .

Captivating avatar of Irvin McGillicutty, keeper of The Residence from the Ethan Fox Books series.Spoiler: A Ravenwood Backstory

Jordanna Ravenwood is not an ordinary Caretaker. The loving wife of deceased Headmaster Ryvias Ravenwood, she is the mother to sons Damien and Daavic, and daughter Hayley.

Damien and Daavic, like most twins, share an unusually close bond. But when Daavic mysteriously develops a dark side things change quickly. Seduced by darkness, Daavic becomes a Grimleaver puppet and helps Victor Qruefeldt kill his father and frame Damien in the process. But Hayley becomes aware of Daavic’s allegiance to the Grimleaver leader. To cover it up, Daavic attempts to kill his sister with Victor’s prized Heldrik Vonn Grim puzzle box. But the weapon is missing it’s rift-key and Hayley mysteriously vanishes.

Accused of the incident, Damien flees The Residence determined to clear his name. Jordanna takes over her dead husband’s role as the Caretaker leader. She is determined to find her Hayley, who is widely believed to have been abducted by her brother Damien. But what really happened to Hayley, and what caused Daavic to turn to darkness?

Teaser: The Leprechaun War on Grumplings

Did you know that the grumplings were once nearly hunted to extinction by the greedy leprechauns. The conflict arose from the leprechaun’s paranoid fear of having their precious gold stolen. Because of this fear, leprechauns hide their gold throughout the world and cloak it from detection using powerful magic.

But it turns out the leprechauns cloaking magic is rendered useless when a grumpling comes within a few feet from the hidden gold. While grumplings innocently go about their business, they sometimes decloak leprechaun gold they didn’t know was there and are not interested in. But reason has nothing to do with the leprechauns foolish greed and they see the harmless grumplings as a major threat to their precious gold . . .

Captivating avatar of Mildred Moongarden, Caretaker Botanist from the Ethan Fox Books series.Secret: Secrets of the Moongarden

The twenty-first and twenty-second door on the right down The Hall of Doorways leads to a magical place called the Moongarden. Named after Mildred Moongarden, the Caretaker agricultural wizard and botanical genius who created it.

The Moongarden houses all manner of wonderous plant life. From shrubs with colorful flowers that look like butterflies to the trembling nomads, tiny evergreen trees with two leg-like trunks and branches that hang at their sides like arms. Ethan and Hayley witness the dance of the trembling nomads firsthand as the tiny trees suddenly spring to life and run about their pen bumping into one another like bumper cars.

The Moongarden even has a skyclimber vine that rises up into the clouds like Jack’s beanstalk. Visit the Moongarden in “Ethan Fox and the Eyes of the Desert Sand” and upcoming sequels . . .

Captivating avatar of Wordly Pagemore, The Residence bookworm from the Ethan Fox Books series.Spoiler: Meet Wordly Pagemore

Introducing Wordly Pagemore, keeper of The Residence study and Caretaker Arts and Literature Archive. Wordly is a bookworm and is very adept at tracking and organizing such media. In his spare time Wordly enjoys reading and playing pranks on RGB, who are always trying to catch Wordly. But Wordly is the Roadrunner to RGB’s Coyote and he always gets the best of them.

Have you ever wondered where all of the insignificant paintings from the Gallery of Memories go? The Caretaker Arts and Literature Archive is a vast storage facility that houses those paintings as well as Caretaker books and media. Surely you didn’t think the study held all Caretaker publications.

During the events of “Ethan Fox and the Eyes of the Desert Sand,” Wordly was very busy attending to the Archive. But have no fear, Wordly will be introduced to you in much greater detail in the sequel “Ethan Fox and the Shadow Princess.” In the meantime, Wordly will be joining the Ethan Fox Books website team and keeping you up to date on all things related to the Ethan Fox KidsStagram Book Club.

Captivating avatar of Grubner Trowel, Assistant Moongardener from the Ethan Fox Books series.Teaser: The Moongarden’s Rainbow Storm

Step into the Moongarden’s enchanting allure with The Rainbow Storm, an extraordinary event that showcases the garden’s magical ecosystem at its most vibrant and chaotic. Initially intended as part of the narrative, this cutting floor scene features a living rainbow that invades the Moongarden, setting off a spectacular storm of colors as plants react and interact with the ethereal visitor.

Bringing the story of The Rainbow Storm back to life, in an upcoming book, you’ll be able to witness the garden transform into a riotous spectacle of light and movement, illustrating the unpredictable yet mesmerizing nature of magic.

This teaser offers a glimpse into what could have been a visually stunning moment in the Ethan Fox Original Series, highlighting the unpredictable beauty and the hidden dangers of the magical world Ethan and Hayley explore.

Captivating avatar of Bella Wentworth, CAGE secretary from the Ethan Fox Books series.Secret: More Moongarden Secrets

Not even Mrs. Moongarden knows all the secrets of the Moongarden. As children, Damien and Daavic spent most of their time playing in the Moongarden. But when they grow older they become bored with the Moongarden until Damien comes up with an idea . . . they should climb the skyclimber.

The mischievous twins only make it a hundred feet up when Mrs. Moongarden catches them in the act and runs to get their mother. The boys quickly climb down and hide in the ruins before even considering the story’s that the ruins are haunted.

Damien and Daavic stumble upon a secret spin-dial hidden in a crumbled castle wall. It leads them to a secret wishing well hidden in the Moongarden in plain sight but unknown to all. What is the story of the castle ruins and its spin-dial? Who built the secret wishing well? What secrets does it hold? Find out more by reading Ethan Fox Books . . .

Captivating avatar of Dorkin Drumbles, Curator of the Gallery of Memories from the Ethan Fox Books series.Spoiler: Secrets from the Gallery

The Gallery of Memories is of utmost importance to the Caretaker cause of protecting humanity. It gives them clues as to when important events occur that may otherwise not seem obvious.

But where are the paintings that magically appear on the enormous canvas walls coming from? The Caretakers have no idea as to their origin but when The Fates determine a piece’s significance it has never been brought into question. The Gallery alerts the Caretakers to many important events as documented by all of the paintings in the viewing hall.

Ethan spots one particular painting that really catches his attention, enough so that he and Hayley venture back to the Gallery to ask Dorkin Drumbles about its significance. What they learn will shape Ethan’s life forever, and push him deeper into the Caretaker fight against Victor Qruefeldt and his Grimleaver army.

Captivating avatar of Brianna Tanglewood, Caretaker and CAGE member from the Ethan Fox Books series.Teaser: The Greenfield Massacre

Uncover the haunting echoes of The Greenfield Massacre, a pivotal yet unseen chapter in the Ethan Fox series. This cutting floor scene delves into the dark and tumultuous times of the Great Exodus, where the catastrophic clash between migrating magical creatures and humans unfolds. Witness the profound impact of this tragic event on the inhabitants of the Silent Forest, especially the grumplings, who are forced to seek refuge in the shadows of the forest, marking a significant shift in the lore of the series.

The Greenfield Massacre, though absent from the final narrative, remains a crucial element that deepens the historical context and enriches the complex dynamics of coexistence and conflict within the Ethan Fox universe.

Step Beyond the Page . . .

As you journey through the twists and turns of the Ethan Fox Books series, we hope this exclusive section has added layers of enjoyment and anticipation to your reading experience. The secrets revealed, the spoilers shared, and the teasers glimpsed here are designed to deepen your connection to the intricate world of Ethan Fox and its memorable characters. Keep this page bookmarked, as we continually update it with more hidden gems that will enhance your understanding and appreciation of the series.

We invite you to share your thoughts and discoveries with fellow fans at our Ethan Fox Series Community Forum (Ethan Fox Live on Facebook) or on our social platforms. Discuss, debate, and delve deeper into the lore that makes the Ethan Fox series a continually evolving adventure in storytelling.

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Thank you for exploring the mysterious and exciting realms of the Ethan Fox Books series with us. Remember, every secret uncovered and every spoiler revealed and every teaser announced here enriches your journey through this magical series. Continue to visit this page for the latest and most captivating Ethan Fox Series Secrets, Spoilers, and Teasers, ensuring you never miss out on any of the magic that awaits.

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