Ethan Fox Books logo featuring a dark blue book with Ethan and Stravis’ symbol representing the elemental world of Zephyr
Cast of Ethan Fox Books Characters

About The Ethan Fox Books Company: Journey Behind the Pages

Our Story

Discover the magical world, all about The Ethan Fox Books Company, an imprint of The Ridge Publishing Group, where fantasy meets community and imagination soars!

Delve into the captivating Ethan Fox original series, celebrated for its thrilling narratives and immersive worlds. But that’s not all—we go beyond the pages to bring stories to life!

Join us through a myriad of engaging activities: from community events for book series that unite fans, to social media campaigns for YA series that spark conversations. Experience the excitement of virtual book tours and authors interviews, and dive deeper with engaging educators with classroom book discussions. Plus, don’t miss our library programs for young adult literature and inclusive book launch participation for community members.

Be part of our journey—engage, interact, and celebrate with us. The Ethan Fox Books Company isn’t just about reading; it’s about being part of a story. Join our community today and transform your reading experience into an adventure that goes beyond imagination!

Our Value Story . . . Venture into an Enchanted World

Amelia, a 14-year-old book enthusiast, found herself yearning for a story that could whisk her away just as a certain boy wizard had done years ago. Everywhere she looked, fantasy series promised magical realms and grand adventures, but few lived up to the bar set by her beloved Hogwarts tales. Many tried to replicate the magic, but none seemed to capture her heart quite the same way.

Then, on a crisp autumn day, as Amelia wandered her local bookstore, a beautifully illustrated cover caught her eye. It was the debut novel by E. L. Seer titled “Ethan Fox and the Eyes of the Desert Sand” from the Ethan Fox Books original series. The blurb on the back hinted at a mesmerizing world, brimming with enchantment, unique wonders, and the promise of genuine friendships.

Taking a chance, Amelia began her journey with Ethan and Hayley, the protagonists of the story. She was immediately drawn into the tale of the Chrysalis, the four elemental worlds, and the mystery that entwined the two young teens’ fates. Every page she turned was a visual treat, with descriptions so vivid she could almost feel the brush of magic-laden air against her cheeks.

The world of The Residence wasn’t just another school of witchcraft and wizardry—it was a hidden universe with its own unique charm. It wasn’t about a chosen one but two teens navigating the labyrinth of early adolescence while also unlocking doors to worlds beyond imagination. The delicate balance of friendship, adventure, and wonder struck a chord deep within Amelia. She soon realized that while the world of Ethan Fox might invite comparisons to J. K. Rowling’s creation, it stood strong on its own merits. The Residence wasn’t a replica but a refreshing dive into a new realm, brimming with originality.

Amelia’s excitement spilled into her daily life. She introduced her friends to the Ethan Fox Books, and soon they were all eagerly discussing the story’s twists, turns, and the dazzling world of the Chrysalis. The series became their own secret universe, much like the hidden worlds within the book.

For Amelia and her friends, Ethan Fox Books wasn’t just another fantasy series in the post-Potter world; it was a beacon of new adventures, a testament that magic still existed in bookstores, waiting for eager readers to discover it. It rekindled her love for fantasy, proving that while voids may exist, they can always be filled with fresh, captivating tales.

Our Founder Story . . . About The Ethan Fox Books Company

In the serene neighborhood of Sacramento, California, where rustic charm meets the spirit of exploration, Eric Moeszinger, better known by his pen name E. L. Seer, began his journey. (The “E” is for Eric and the “L” is for Lori and the “Seer” is for obvious reasons.) The tales of Ethan Fox Books, touched with glimpses of Eric’s life, reveal a tapestry of memories, dreams, and aspirations.

Born to third-generation Sacramento natives, Eric was the spirited child of a dedicated schoolteacher and a hard-working construction worker. These parents were pillars in their community, with his father contributing to the very infrastructure of Northern California. The sudden loss of both parents within a span of just two years left indelible imprints on Eric’s heart and soul. Yet, their memories became a guiding light, pushing him towards greatness.

Eric’s early years were marked by endless adventures. The backdrop of Sacramento, with its rich foliage, winding creeks, and abundant wildlife, was a treasure trove for a young boy’s imagination. Frogs, lizards, and the occasional snake became companions, fueling tales that would later find echoes in the adventures of Ethan Fox.

Growing up in the shadow of an academically gifted elder sister wasn’t always easy. Constant comparisons led to a quest for individuality, ultimately culminating in a transformative high school experience at Encina High School. Here, Eric not only discovered his distinct identity but also nurtured a budding talent—writing. His knack for penning witty limericks became legendary, with a memorable note to his mother attesting to his playful creativity.

From high school antics and rock music endeavors to mastering gibberish talk, Eric’s life was a rich tapestry of experiences. These memories, like the whimsical gibberish talks, found their way into his literary creations, most notably in the character Irvin McGillicutty.

Academically, Eric soared, acquiring an engineering degree from the University of California, Davis, and later a master’s from Sacramento State University. Silicon Valley beckoned, and Eric answered the call, stepping into the world of engineering. Yet, amidst the technical schematics and blueprints, a storyteller’s heart beat strong.

Love entered Eric’s life in the form of his wife, Lori. Their paths had crossed multiple times, in serendipitous encounters that seemed to be God’s way of weaving their destinies together. Under Lori’s gentle encouragement, Eric embarked on a new journey, one that would lead to the inception of the Ethan Fox Books series.

Faced with professional upheavals and the challenges of navigating the publishing world, Eric, or E. L. Seer, remained undeterred. With the guidance of skilled editors and sheer determination, he revised, refined, and rejuvenated his works, ensuring they met the highest standards of contemporary children and young adult literature.

Today, Ethan Fox Books is not just a series; it’s a legacy. E. L. Seer’s vision extends beyond the written word. With philanthropic initiatives targeting children’s hospitals, he aims to touch young lives, offering them tales of adventure, hope, and endless possibilities.

In Eric’s own words, the story is far from over. The dynamic duo of Eric and Lori continues to inspire, innovate, and ignite imaginations worldwide. Their commitment to excellence, transparency, and giving back ensures that the Ethan Fox Books series will resonate with readers for generations to come.

Our Purpose Story . . . Finding the Next Big Franchise

In a world where literary realms have been constantly in pursuit of the next “Harry Potter,” the literary landscape has seen many contenders, from dazzling circuses to dystopian futures, all trying to claim that coveted throne. Enter the universe of Ethan Fox Books.

Set in a concealed universe with our very own Earth as its nucleus, the Ethan Fox Books original series is not just another fantasy tale. It delves into the journey of two teenagers, Ethan and Hayley, who, guided by fate or perhaps destiny, unite to solve the grand enigma that revolves around unlocking the doors to the four elemental worlds of the Chrysalis—Atlantis, Ceres, Hades, and Zephyr.

But what truly sets it apart? It’s the heart of the story. Readers will find themselves engrossed not just because of the enthralling worlds and mysterious creatures but because they will come to genuinely care for Ethan, Hayley, and their allies, while being wary of the adversaries that lurk in the shadows. The intricacies of their relationships, the whirlwind of emotions, the budding romance, and nail-biting rivalries keep the pages turning.

The Ethan Fox Books series possesses a magical blend of familiar coming of age fantasy elements with innovative storytelling. And driving this potentially revolutionary series is The Ridge Publishing Group, which is not just publishing a book series but curating an entire experience. Their comprehensive and dynamic marketing approach, ranging from an immersive website for readers to dive deeper into the world, to interactive platforms like the Official Ethan Fox Fan Page, the Ethan Fox KidsStagram Book Club, and the Ethan Fox Books Official KidsStagram Blog (ran by teen protagonists Ethan and Hayley and teen antagonists Blair and Caden), ensures that readers are not just consumers, but an active part of the Ethan Fox community.

Moreover, their commitment extends beyond books. Through philanthropic endeavors that touch young lives, they’re showcasing that the world of Ethan Fox is not just about fantasy, but also about making tangible differences in the real-world.

In the race to find the next global literary phenomenon, many have come and gone, but The Ethan Fox Books Company seems poised to not just enter the race but potentially redefine it. The anticipation is palpable, the momentum is building, and readers worldwide are set for a literary journey like no other. The magic is just beginning!

Our Customer Story . . . Rekindling the Passion for Stories

In the heart of the city, Anna’s apartment stood as a testament to her love for stories. Every nook and cranny held books that spoke of her journeys through countless narratives. However, a stark contrast was presented in Leo’s space—his room, once a haven for fantastical tales, now seemed barren. The joy of stories had been shadowed by college demands, making him believe he’d surpassed such “childish” delights.

Anna’s heart ached as she remembered the nights when Leo’s laughter and excitement filled their home, discussing the latest adventures they’d read. To rekindle that flame, she recalled a mention of Ethan Fox Books from a colleague’s recommendation.

On a sunlit Saturday, with the gentle rustling of leaves outside, Anna nudged Leo into a quaint bookstore nearby. As they stepped in, a soft chime greeted them, with Leo appearing uninterested at first glance. Yet, a certain section beckoned him. The books didn’t boast grandeur but whispered of profound tales. A particular rust umbrae bound novel, with intricate gold lettering, caught his eye.

The ambiance was electric with the scent of freshly brewed coffee. Conversations about Ethan Fox’s latest work floated around, blending with the mellow tunes playing in the background. A barista, her wrist adorned with a charm bracelet of book icons, pointed another customer towards a must-read. While Leo was lost in the world of the book he held, Anna felt a surge of warmth, sensing the shared passion around.

By dusk, Leo’s room had a new addition. Nestled on his table was E. L. Seer’s debut novel, “Ethan Fox and the Eyes of the Desert Sand,” signaling the start of his renewed journey into literature. Watching him read, Anna felt gratitude towards Ethan Fox Books. The bond they once shared over stories was rekindling, with Ethan Fox’s narratives at its core.

Related Entries:

Ethan Fox Books | Author Interviews and Insights

Ethan Fox Books | Author Interviews with E. L. Seer

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Visit The Ethan Fox Books Official Blog at for additional stories.

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The Ethan Fox Books Company, bringing you the best in fiction, nonfiction, and children’s books. The company creates quality educational and entertaining materials and products for use in school and at home, including children’s and young adult books, magazines, technology-based products, teacher materials, videos and toys. The company distributes its products and services through a variety of channels, including book clubs, book fairs, direct-to home continuity programs; online and retail stores, schools and libraries; also visit the company’s website, and blog  The company is headquartered in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho.


The Ridge Publishing Group is an up-and-coming American worldwide book, film, and board game company. It is setup to becoming one of the largest theology teaching resources in the world in terms of books, textbooks, documentaries, board games and card decks. The Ridge Publishing Group owns the trademarks and copyrights of The Ridge Publishing GroupPublisher and Her World; Guardians of Biblical Truth Publishing; Hoyle Theology Publishing Group; Documentaries in Print Publishing Group; and Education in Games Publishing Group. The Ridge Publishing Group also owns and supports its imprints and subsidiaries and owns the trademarks and copyrights of Ethan Fox BooksKidsStagram, KidsStagramCLUB; LAMoeszinger.comNew Youniversity, Urban Chronicles Publishing House; The Manhattan Diaries, The Manhattan Chronicles; and AuthorsDoor GroupAuthorsDoor Leadership, AuthorsRedDoor.

The Ridge Publishing Group’s list of sites:

Parent Website: and blog site

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It is our pleasure and great joy to bring you these venues, and our hope that you’ll find our journey as enlightening and inspirational as we do.

For further information please see our Privacy Policy, Terms & Conditions, Child Safety Policy, Digital Communications Policy, and Blog Guidelines legal notices.

The Ridge Publishing Group headquarters is based in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho.

Headshot of Eric Moeszinger, also known as E. L. Seer, for the About the Author section

About The Author: Eric Moeszinger—the creative force behind the enchanting world of Ethan Fox Books—is a storyteller whose tales are steeped in the essence of his own life. Writing under the pen name E. L. Seer, the “E” representing Eric and the “L” a nod to his beloved wife Lori. Eric’s literary journey, from Sacramento roots to engineering, culminates in inspiring stories that will resonate with readers and viewers alike for generations to come. He blogs at the Ethan Fox Books Official Blog: KidsStagram and can be found on X @EthanFoxBooks, Facebook @EthanFoxBooks, Instagram @EthanFoxBooks, and/or Pinterest @EthanFoxBooks.

Headshot of Lori Moeszinger for the About the Author section on the website

About The Author: Lori Ann Moeszinger—the visionary behind The Ridge Publishing Group—is a storyteller at heart, crafting narratives that resonate and empower. She writes under the names: Lori Ann Moeszinger for her biblical and personal pieces; Ann Patterson for her legal expertise pieces; L. A. Moeszinger for her AuthorsDoor and blog pieces; and a handful of others for the Urban Chronicles Publishing House and The Manhattan Diaries series. A former lawyer turned author, publisher, and creator; she inspires change through storytelling—passion drives her pen, crafting tales that inspire action and faith.

Varied arrangement of Ethan Fox Books series characters

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