Ethan Fox Books logo featuring a dark blue book with Ethan and Stravis’ symbol representing the elemental world of Zephyr
Ethan Fox Books logo featuring a dark blue book with Ethan and Stravis’ symbol representing the elemental world of Zephyr

The Ethan Fox Books Company

About Us

Welcome to the Ethan Fox Books company “About Us” page, where the essence of imagination and the spirit of adventure converge to create a universe that has captured the hearts of young readers worldwide. Here, we delve into the genesis of the Ethan Fox original series, the ethos of our team, and the myriad ways you can immerse yourself in the enchanting world we’ve crafted.

Our Story

Ethan Fox Books originated from the creative genius of E. L. Seer, an author who envisioned a series that not only entertains but also educates and inspires. With the debut of “Ethan Fox and the Eyes of the Desert Sand,” we embarked on a mission to foster a love for reading through a tapestry of richly woven narratives, multidimensional characters, and spellbinding settings. Today, the series stands as a beacon of imaginative literature, beloved by fans of all ages.

Our Mission

Our core mission at Ethan Fox Books is to ignite the flames of curiosity, creativity, and camaraderie through our storytelling. We believe in the transformative power of literature to shape young minds, spark imagination, and instill values that resonate beyond the pages. By crafting tales that blend adventure, friendship, and moral lessons, we strive to contribute positively to the development of our readers and encourage them to explore the limitless possibilities of their own imaginations.

Our Team

The magic of Ethan Fox Books is brought to life by a dedicated team of writers, illustrators, editors, and creatives who share a passion for storytelling and a commitment to excellence. From the initial spark of an idea to the final printed page, every member of our team plays a crucial role in creating the immersive worlds and compelling narratives that define our series. United by a common vision, we work collaboratively to ensure that each book not only entertains but also enriches the lives our readers.

Notable Achievements

Since its inception, the Ethan Fox series has garnered critical acclaim and a devoted following, achieving notable milestones along the way. From bestselling status to awards and recognitions, our series has made a significant impact in the realm of young adult and children’s literature. We are particularly proud of our interactive initiatives, such as the KidsStagramCLUB and our education resources, which extend the reading experience beyond the books and into the lives of our fans.

Join Our Adventure: We warmly invite you to be part of the Ethan Fox Books community, where readers, parents, educators, and fans unite in their love for storytelling. Explore our website for the latest updates, delve into our supplementary materials for deeper engagement, and connect with us through our fan club, fan page, newsletter, and social media channels. Your participation, feedback, and enthusiasm are the lifeblood of our series and the inspiration for our continued journey.

In Closing

Thank you for taking the time to learn about the Ethan Fox Books company. As we look to the future, we are excited to continue our journey, explore new horizons, and share the magic of Ethan Fox with readers around the globe. Together, let’s celebrate the power of storytelling and the endless possibilities it brings. Welcome to the Ethan Fox family—where adventure awaits, and every page is an invitation to dream.

About the Company

Welcome to the world of Ethan Fox Books, a distinctive imprint of The Ridge Publishing Group, dedicated to enchanting young readers with immersive fantasy literature. While we pride ourselves on creating magical journeys through the Ethan Fox original series, our roots extend to The Ridge Publishing Group—an organization committed to a broad spectrum of educational and entertaining content across books, films, and games. As part of this dynamic group, we carry forward the mission to enlighten, engage, and inspire audiences worldwide. Explore the extraordinary with us and discover where imagination meets the narrative craft.

The Ridge Publishing Group’s list of sites:

Parent Website: and blog site

Publisher Website: and blog site

Author Website: and New Youniversity site: and blog site

Bridge Website: and blog site

Entertainment Website: and blog site

It is our pleasure and great joy to bring you these venues, and our hope that you’ll find our journey as enlightening and inspirational as we do.

For further information please see our Privacy Policy, Terms & Conditions, Child Safety Policy, Digital Communications Policy and Blog Guidelines legal notices.

The Ridge Publishing Group headquarters is based in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho.

Headshot of Eric Moeszinger, also known as E. L. Seer, for the About the Author section

About The Author: Eric Moeszinger—the creative force behind the enchanting world of Ethan Fox Books—is a storyteller whose tales are steeped in the essence of his own life. Writing under the pen name E. L. Seer, the “E” representing Eric and the “L” a nod to his beloved wife Lori. Eric’s literary journey, from Sacramento roots to engineering, culminates in inspiring stories that will resonate with readers and viewers alike for generations to come. He blogs at the Ethan Fox Books Official Blog: KidsStagram and can be found on X @EthanFoxBooks, Facebook @EthanFoxBooks, Instagram @EthanFoxBooks, and/or Pinterest @EthanFoxBooks.

Headshot of Lori Moeszinger for the About the Author section on the website

About The Author: Lori Ann Moeszinger—the visionary behind The Ridge Publishing Group—is a storyteller at heart, crafting narratives that resonate and empower. She writes under the names: Lori Ann Moeszinger for her biblical and personal pieces; Ann Patterson for her legal expertise pieces; L. A. Moeszinger for her AuthorsDoor and blog pieces; and a handful of others for the Urban Chronicles Publishing House and The Manhattan Diaries series. A former lawyer turned author, publisher, and creator; she inspires change through storytelling—passion drives her pen, crafting tales that inspire action and faith.

Varied arrangement of Ethan Fox Books series characters

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