Ethan Fox Books logo featuring a dark blue book with Ethan and Stravis’ symbol representing the elemental world of Zephyr
Ethan Fox Books logo featuring a dark blue book with Ethan and Stravis’ symbol representing the elemental world of Zephyr


The Ethan Fox Books Company

Child Safety Policy


1.1 Welcome to Ethan Fox Books (hereinafter, referred to as our “Site”), the digital home of the Ethan Fox Books franchise! Ethan Fox Books is owned by The Ridge Publishing Group (hereinafter, referred to as “we,” “us” or “our” as appropriate), a company established in Coeur D’Alene, Idaho (hereinafter, referred to as “RPG”).  Ethan Fox Books is currently available through the website at  We may also make Ethan Fox Books or other versions of it available through a number of digital channels or devices.

1.2 We strive to make our Site a fun, safe, and secure platform for adults and children of all ages to use.  We understand that, as parents and legal guardians, you wish to ensure that your children can use websites on the internet in a way that allows them to interact with others, responsibly and safely.

1.3 Your child’s safety online is very important to us and we are committed to safeguarding the personal information we collect from them through our Site. As a result, we have taken a number of measures to create a rich, engaging yet safe environment through which children can explore the world of Ethan Fox Books and the magic of the Ethan Fox Books franchise.


2.1 We understand how challenging it can be to find out exactly how websites use your child’s information and how important it is for any use of that information to be as transparent as possible. For this reason, we provide you with this guidance which, together with our Privacy Policy, allows us to inform you exactly what information we collect about your child, how we use it, and the measures we take to protect your child, so please do read them carefully.

2.2 We have taken the following measures to protect all children under the age of 18:

2.2.1 We provide a limited social networking feature so that children can express ideas and upload pictures inspired by the Ethan Fox Books series and their Site experience.

2.2.2 We provide all users with a username which does not contain any personal information.

2.2.3 We monitor and review the contributions that your child and any other user makes on our Site. We use a number of measures to assist us to effectively moderate our Site which include using a combination of software filters and specifically trained on-site staff who monitor activity and receive reports of any misuse or misconduct by users.

2.2.4 We only allow your child to register if they confirm they have obtained your permission to use our Site.

2.2.5 We only collect a limited amount of personal information from your child. Please see below and our Privacy Policy for further details.

2.2.6 We will immediately suspend your child’s access to our Site if, having logged on to your child’s account, you inform us that you do not wish to permit your child to use our Site. We will delete their account (including any personal information collected from them) seven (7) days after receiving your request.

2.3 What we don’t do:

2.3.1 We do not make your child’s access or participation on our Site conditional upon your child disclosing more personal information than is reasonably necessary for them to enjoy the services we provide.

2.3.2 We do not give out or display any information we collect about your child on our Site or any other website.

2.3.3 We do not allow users to send private messages or communicate with each other directly.

2.3.4 We do not send any marketing messages to your child if they are under the age of 16. We will only send marketing messages to users over 16 if they have asked us to do so and have told us that they have obtained your permission.

2.3.5 We want all our users, including children, to feel safe when using our Site. We therefore encourage all users to use our services responsibly and will remove access to any user if we become aware that they are harassing or bullying anyone through our Site.


3.1 We know how important it is for children of young ages to benefit from stronger controls and protections when using the internet. For this reason, we take additional measures over and above those listed above, to make sure that children under the age of 13 are protected. These include:

3.1.1 In order for your child to enjoy all the features and services that we provide, your child can choose to register with our Site by creating an account called a “KidsStagramCLUB Account.” We encourage you to take an interest in your child’s behavior when using our Site. We will only allow your child access to our Site if we have received your express permission to do so and checked with you that you have provided that permission. We will not store or use the limited personal information we collect from them if you do not provide that permission. To help you through this process, we’ve explained the steps of the process below that will occur when your child wishes to register with and access our Site. This process is designed to protect the privacy of your child and to comply with data protection and privacy laws. The registration process begins when your child tells us that they are under 13 years of age by entering their date of birth during the registration process. If your child informs us that they are under 13 years of age, we will ask them to also provide their first name, their country of residence, and your email address so that we can obtain your permission. We will send you an email to the email address your child provided for you and inform you that they have registered an account on our Site. This email will ask you to indicate electronically whether you consent for us to collect the personal information your child has provided to us for the purposes we describe in this guidance and our Privacy Policy and for your child to use and access our Site. The email will also contain: details of the types of personal information we have collected from your child and how we wish to use that information. This information is also set out in detail below in this guidance; our confirmation to you that we will not collect any further personal information from your child and that we will not use any personal information we have collected unless we have already received your permission to do so; instructions as to how you can provide us with your consent electronically and agree to our Terms & Conditions on behalf of your child. If you indicate that you do not wish to provide your consent or if you do not respond to our email within 48 hours of receiving it, we will not allow your child access to our Site and we will delete any personal information we have collected from them. If you do provide your consent, we will allow your child access to our Site and electronically verify your consent.

3.1.2 We only collect the limited personal information from your child which we request directly. For further details on the information we collect and how we use that information please see the section titled The information we collect and how we use it in our Privacy Policy.

3.1.3 We only use your child’s personal information for internal purposes.

3.1.4 We do not allow your child to link their KidsStagramCLUB Account with a social networking site such as Facebook.

3.1.5 If we make material changes to how we collect and use personal information from children under the age of 13, we will notify you by email in order to obtain verifiable consent for the new uses of your child’s personal information.


4.1 We aim to provide a number of features that help provide a more personalized experience to our users. To achieve this, we collect a limited amount of non-personal information from your child. For example, we will ask your child about which Ethan Fox Books, books they have enjoyed.

4.2 We also collect and share with third parties aggregated statistical data about visitors to our Site and their traffic patterns. This information does not personally identify your child.  From time to time, we may also collect further non-personal information; however, just to be clear, this information does not identify your child in any personal capacity.


5.1 In order to provide our services, we are assisted by a limited number of third parties who provide us with the services that allows us to offer such an enjoyable and safe experience for your children and our users. They help us with operating, managing and administering the accounts and services provided to your child through our Site.

5.2 In the course of providing their services, these service providers may collect and/or keep personal information about your child. We ensure that anyone dealing with your child’s personal information has gone through careful checks and that the identity of anyone coming into contact with your child’s information has been verified.

5.3 If you would like to know more about the authorized service providers we use, please refer to our Contact Us page.


6.1 If you have any questions about the information in this guidance or would like further information, please feel free to contact us by emailing us at [email protected].

Last updated 29 December 2023

© 2010–2024 Ethan Fox Books, a partner of The Ridge Publishing Group. All Rights Reserved. Ethan Fox Books, Chrysalis Chronicles, KidsStagram, and KidsStagramCLUB characters, names and related indicia are trademarks of and copyrights of Ethan Fox Books, a partner of The Ridge Publishing Group.

Varied arrangement of Ethan Fox Books series characters

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