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Courage and Bravery in Literature: Book Critique


Daavic and Damien present a five-star review, highlighting courage and bravery in literature.


Discover how a book review intriguingly compares Ethan Fox to The Da Vinci Code, highlighting the unexpected yet compelling parallels in courage and bravery in literature between these distinct narratives.

Ethan Fox Original Series Gives Off Da Vinci Code Vibes . . .

The themes of courage and bravery are central to many great works of literature, providing readers with inspiring tales of characters facing daunting challenges. The “Ethan Fox” series and “The Da Vinci Code” by Dan Brown are no exception. Both novels, though from vastly different genres, have been compared in a book review for their exploration of these enduring themes. This article delves into how each book portrays courage and bravery within their unique narrative contexts.

“Ethan Fox and the Eyes of the Desert Sand” – In this first installment of Ethan Fox Books, I got rather Da Vinci Code vibes, as two kids, Ethan and Hayley are drawn together, almost as if by fate. They find out secrets about their past, that are mysteriously woven together. From here the book dives into the supernatural as they endeavor to assist the Caretakers in face of a vampire clan. Do you remember reading the Magic Tree House books as a kid? The Ethan Fox Books might just shape up to be just as impactful. This first book is well written with believable, intelligent, and adventurous main characters that I’m sure kids in my classes will like. The protagonists learn a lot of worthwhile lessons while on an adventure that any kid could get absorbed in. Very well done! Ashley *****

Character Driven Courage

In “The Da Vinci Code,” the protagonist, Robert Langdon, is a symbologist who finds himself entangled in a historical mystery that could shake the foundations of Christianity. The courage in Langdon’s character is intellectual and tenacious, as he unravels complex codes and faces powerful adversaries who will stop at nothing to preserve centuries-old secrets. His bravery is not just physical but cerebral, as he navigates ancient conspiracies and life-threatening situations using his knowledge and quick thinking.

Contrastingly, the “Ethan Fox” original series features two young protagonists, Ethan and Hayley, who encounter a series of supernatural challenges that test their physical and moral courage. Ethan’s journey through magical realms filled with mythical creatures and enigmatic puzzles shares a thematic resonance with Langdon’s quest—both characters are thrust into worlds where they must rely on their wits and moral compass to navigate through danger and deception.

Adventurous Settings and Symbolic Challenges

The settings in both “The Da Vinci Code” and the “Ethan Fox” series amplify the themes of courage and bravery. For Langdon, each landmark in Europe he visits, from the Louvre in Paris to St. Peter’s Basilica in Vatican City, presents symbolic challenges that require breaking down historical and cryptic codes under immense pressure. These settings not only provide the backdrop for adventure but also serve as crucibles for character development.

In the “Ethan Fox” series, the adventurous settings are even more fantastical, often embodying the very essence of the challenges Ethan and his companions face. From dark forests to ancient temples, the settings are imbued with mystery and danger, demanding a type of bravery that is both adventurous and introspective. The environments challenge Ethan to grow from a curious boy into a hero, defining his path much like the historical puzzles shape Langdon’s journey.

Courage and Bravery in Literature: Moral and Ethical Behaviors

Both “The Da Vinci Code” and the “Ethan Fox” series explore not only physical courage but also the bravery required to face moral dilemmas. Langdon’s journey questions foundational beliefs and ethics, pushing him to make decisions that align with his moral views despite potential backlash. Similarly, Ethan is often placed in situations where the right choice is not the easiest one, testing his integrity and bravery in the face of profound moral questions.


The comparison of “The Da Vinci Code” and the “Ethan Fox” series in terms of courage and bravery in literature reveals how both narratives use their genres to explore these complex themes. While one is grounded in historical intrigue and the other in magical adventure, both stories celebrate the heroism of overcoming fear and adversity through courage and moral strength. This exploration not only enriches our understanding of the characters but also highlights the universal appeal of bravery in literature. For readers and fans of both series, these stories offer compelling portrayals of how courage can define not only a character but the very essence of their adventures.

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