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Ethan Fox Books Q&A with E L Seer

Media Questions and Answers

For E. L. Seer, author of

Ethan Fox and the Eyes of the Desert Sand

March 5, 2021

About the Books

  How is the book series, Ethan Fox Books, like a butterfly chrysalis?

(A) In the book, it is like a protective encasing for planet Earth.

  Are the books in the Study filled with stories that will become their own books?

(A) Possibly, but there is so much story left to tell with the original series that I have no such plans at the moment.

  How did you imagine Ethan Fox?

(A) I didn’t. He imagined me. I just think back to when I was a child. He is pretty much a younger me. I used to love to play at the creek and catch frogs and lizards. Those stories from the book are based in fact from my childhood.

  Is Ethan and Hayley’s relationship the beginning of a boy meets girl love story?

(A) I don’t think I’ve kept it much of a secret that Ethan and Hayley share a history. What that history is and how it came to be will play out over the course of the series. You will have to wait and see.

  Will George’s video game, Lords and Dragons of the Dark Realm, play a role in the series? And if so, will the comic book series that it spun off (in the book) do the same?

(A) I think it’s the other way around. What role did the Caretakers play in George creating the video game series? Remember the book Ethan saw in the Study . . .

  There doesn’t seem to be any pets mentioned in the first book, will pets be introduced in future books? 

(A) Malik is a pet, if a brutehound could be called a pet. Other than that, I have not given that much thought. Besides, who needs pets when you have grumplings, firelytes, hydromorphs, and all of the other creatures that were introduced in book one, Ethan Fox and the Eyes of the Desert Sand.

  What is the next book in the series going to be about?

(A) Also a bit premature to answer . . . but Ethan and friends will uncover more and more secrets and mysteries about the Grimleavers and what they are up to . . .

  Some say that the Ethan Fox original series is sure to draw comparisons to the Harry Potter series, how so?

(A) I think, because it is a magical and compelling story with a similar flavor. While the story itself is very different, it is a very intricate story that unravels around a delightful cast of characters that people want to root for.

  What is the one question your fans have never asked you, but should have?

(A) If ‘shnickyrooners and things like that . . .’ mean anything?

About Me

  How many hours a day do you spend writing?

(A) When I am working full time on writing the book series, I spend about eight to ten hours a day, maybe more at times.

  Where do you get the names for your characters?

(A) It is very strange. Sometimes I can’t come up with one to save my life. Then at other times, they come to me in bunches, at the strangest times. When that happens, I always make sure to email them to myself, even if I have no character in mind. Sometimes they sound so familiar to me I have to do internet searches on them to keep myself honest, and make sure I did not hear the name somewhere in the past or something.

  Who is your favorite character and why?

(A) Gruggins is my favorite character because he came to me in a very vivid dream — a dream that launched the whole book series. A dream my wife somehow knew I was going to have.

(B) And that’s how the series began.

  If you could bring one Ethan Fox Books character to life, other than Ethan, who would it be?

(A) Gruggins, he would be a great pal to tote around in your pocket.

  If you were to have dinner with any five characters from any of your books, who would you invite, and why would they be on your list?

(A) First, I’d invite Irvin so he could cook and Jordanna because my wife just loves her; then Damien, Azron, and Nicholas.

  Did you have an imaginary friend when you were a child?

(A) No, but I remember meeting a young girl at a neighbor’s house that did. She would talk to it as if it were right there next to her. She explained to me that her friend was a small black and pink poodle that walked upright . . . I thought she was nuts!

  What do you think is the funniest moment you have written in the series?

(A) Tough question, I’m not necessarily trying to be funny, stuff sometimes just comes out that way. I am pretty much a grown-up child at heart, so I find Irvin’s rants quite amusing for some odd reason.

  Where did you write Ethan Fox and the Eyes of the Desert Sand?

(A) I outlined it and quite a bit of the back story for the series, at home on weekends — while out for cocktails with my wife, and at any opportunity I could muster over the period of about a year, before finally sitting down to write it.

  What was your motive for writing the Ethan Fox Books series?

(A) A taletaddler (my wife) told me to write it.

  What are you going to write after the Ethan Fox Books series?

(A) That is probably several years away, so it is probably a bit premature to even answer . . . but I have some ideas for some more mainstream fiction, like mystery, psychological thrillers, and conspiracy type of books.

Want More? Ethan Fox Books Q&A with E L Seer

Other Stuff

  Will you sign my book?

(A) Autographed copies (signed by me) are exclusively sold on my website, Just click on our Contact Us button to communicate with me. And if you purchase an autographed copy from me, you know you are part of an exclusive club 

  How old are you?

(A) I am 58 years old as of March 2021.

  Do you have any children?

(A) I have three wonderful stepsons and many grandchildren, nieces and nephews.

  If your series could be made into movies, who would you want to produce it?

(A) I can think of several names, but many of them are probably too busy with other projects. This is a huge wish list . . . Courtenay Valenti (her executive credits include Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009) and Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007)), James Cameron, Steven Spielberg, Peter Jackson, George Lucas, Jerry Bruckheimer, and Tim Burton. I could probably come up with a few more but that’s all I can think of at the moment.

  How can I contact you?

(A) Click Contact Us on our website at or follow me on X or Instagram @EthanFoxBooks.

(B) Also at:

  What is your email address?

(A) My e-mail address is [email protected].

  Is E. L. Seer your real name?

(A) E. L. Seer is my pen name. The E is for Eric (my name) and the L is for Lori (my wife’s name) and the Seer is for obvious reasons.

  What are some interesting facts about you?

(A) I wrote the Ethan Fox Books series. My birthday is on the 1st of March. I am a major San Francisco 49ers football fan and San Jose Sharks hockey fan.

  How can our audience order Ethan Fox and the Eyes of the Desert Sand?

(A) Order online at or wherever books are sold.

  Was our Ethan Fox Books Q&A with E L Seer helpful?

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