Ethan Fox Books logo featuring a dark blue book with Ethan and Stravis’ symbol representing the elemental world of Zephyr

Ethan Fox May 2024: Discover Enchanted Secrets

Brianna Tanglewood embodies protagonist evolution, elegantly posed, in Ethan Fox Books series.

Ethan Fox and Friends Newsletter

Volume 1, Issue 2 – May 30, 2024

Meet the Editor of the Ethan Fox and Friends Newsletter: Brianna Tanglewood

We are thrilled to announce that Brianna Tanglewood, a key figure in the Ethan Fox Books series and a revered member of the CAGE (Caretaker Anti-Grimleaver Enforcement) team, will be taking the helm as the Editor of the Ethan Fox and Friends Newsletter – debuting with the Ethan Fox May 2024 issue. Known for her resilience, wisdom, and unique serpentine grace, Brianna brings a depth of experience and a personal touch to our community.

With her profound understanding of the Caretakers’ world and her relentless pursuit of justice, Brianna is perfectly positioned to guide our content, ensuring that each issue beginning with the Ethan Fox May 2024 debut is as engaging and enlightening as the stories within the Ethan Fox Books series. Her unique perspective and insightful leadership will undoubtedly enrich our discussions and enhance our connection to the magical world of Ethan Fox.

Join Brianna as she steers our newsletter through the magical realms of adventure, uncovering secrets, sharing exclusive updates, and bringing the community closer together. Welcome aboard, Brianna!


Unlock the Hidden Mysteries of Ethan Fox Books – Exclusive Insights Inside!

Welcome to Our Magical Community!

Dear Ethan Fox Fans,

Welcome to the very first issue of the Ethan Fox and Friends Newsletter – Ethan Fox May 2024 issue! We are thrilled to introduce this monthly publication dedicated entirely to the spellbinding world of Ethan Fox Books. Each edition is crafted with care to bring Ethan Fox enthusiasts like you a treasure trove of updates, exclusive content, and a peek behind the magical curtain into the making of this beloved series, and a bit of fun.

As we embark on this exciting journey together, you can expect in-depth explorations into the narratives, characters, and enchanting settings that make the Ethan Fox Books series so captivating. Our goal is to provide a comprehensive look at all things Ethan Fox, delivered directly to your inbox each month. From detailed analyses of key plot developments to interviews with the creators who bring Ethan’s world to life, this newsletter is your all-access pass to the latest happenings and hidden gems in the series.

Additionally, we’ll take you behind the scenes to reveal how the magic happens – from initial concept sketches to final edits, and everything in between. You’ll gain insights into the creative process of our talented team, learn about the inspiration behind your favorite adventures, and maybe even discover a few secrets along the way.

In This Issue:

  • New Release Spotlight: Ethan’s World Expands . . .
  • Caretaker Chronicles: Deep Dives & Daring Challenges . . .
  • Magical Milestones: This Month’s Must-Reads . . .
  • Reader’s Realm: Monthly KidsStagram Book Club Breakdown . . .
  • Ethan Fox Books Reader Fan Kits: Monthly Themed Treasures . . .
  • Ethan Fox Community Highlights . . .

New Release Spotlight: Ethan’s World Expands . . .

Immerse yourself in the magic each month with New Release Spotlight: Ethan’s World Expands, your exclusive gateway to the newest adventures in the Ethan Fox series. Uncover the enchantment, mystery, and breathtaking twists in the latest installment as we dive deep into the spellbinding narratives that captivate and thrill. Don’t miss out on the magic that continues to evolve and enchant the Ethan Fox universe with every new release!

Full cover (front and back) of “Ethan Fox Books Presents: The Ethan Fox Original Series 2 BOOKS in 1” by E. L. Seer

E. L. Seer, an award-winning author, presents “The Ethan Fox Original Series 2 BOOKS IN 1,” a testament to the captivating storytelling and vivid imagination that have garnered literary accolades. Experience the magic and wonder that define Seer’s celebrated works.

Dive into the captivating world of Ethan Fox Books as E. L. Seer presents the first two exhilarating installments of an expansive series destined to grow beyond seven books. Witness the dawn of an extraordinary saga where ancient riddles and new realms converge, offering an adventure that transcends the ordinary.

In the inaugural adventure, “Ethan Fox and the Eyes of the Desert Sand,” enter the life of 13-year-old Ethan Fox, a seemingly ordinary boy plunged into an extraordinary world of danger and mystery. When sinister forces known as the Grimleavers target him, Ethan discovers an ally in Hayley, a girl whose enigmatic presence he finds irresistibly compelling. Together, they are swept into The Residence, a bastion of secrets under the watch of the cryptic Caretakers. Here, Ethan and Hayley embark on a mission that peels back the layers of their world, revealing Earth as just one facet of a vast cosmic tapestry, linked to hidden realms within Earth and the elemental worlds – Atlantis, Ceres, Hades, and Zephyr – of the Chrysalis surrounding Earth.

Interactive Poetic Puzzle for ‘The Eyes of the Desert Sand’ in the Ethan Fox April 2024 newsletter, reader challenge.Transition to the second book, “Ethan Fox and the Shadow Princess,” where the stakes escalate dramatically. Nearly a year after Ethan’s ordeal at The Residence, a malevolent force casts a showdown over Manhattan. On Ethan’s 14th birthday, the vile Victor Qruefeldt unleashes chaos, separating Ethan from his parents and thrusting him into a confrontation with dark entities. Reunited with Hayley and under the guardianship of the Caretakers, Ethan delves into a labyrinth of mystery and intrigue, where past secrets and a looming threat intertwine. Together, they will confront the enigmatic Shadow Princess and unearth truths that will challenge their very understanding of reality.

Embark on a journey with Ethan and Hayley as they navigate a universe brimming with hidden agendas, mythical creatures, and interdimensional challenges. From the enigmatic Chrysalis to the origins of Earth’s wonders, the Ethan Fox Original Series is a clarion call to those who dare to question and explore. These first two books are merely the beginning of a saga that promises to unravel the fabric of the known and venture into the unknown.

Join the adventure, decipher the mysteries, and be part of a narrative that expands beyond the horizon. The Ethan Fox Original Series is not just a story; it’s an odyssey that beckons to the brave, inviting you to step into a world where every discovery shifts the boundaries of imagination. Start your journey with “Ethan Fox and the Eyes of the Desert Sand,” and “Ethan Fox and the Shadow Princess,” and prepare to be enthralled by the mysteries that unfold. The path to hidden realms and to the elemental worlds and beyond is set – will you follow?

Caretaker Chronicles: Deep Dives & Daring Challenges . . .

Dive into the depths of the Ethan Fox universe with Caretaker Chronicles: Deep Dives & Daring Challenges, a dedicated section that enriches your understanding and connection to the magical characters and artifacts that weave through Ethan and Hayley’s adventures.

Ethan Fox Books character Alexander Sturgis profile introduced in the Ethan Fox April 2024 newsletter.Caretaker Chronicles: Alexander Sturgis – A Portrait of Resilience and Loyalty

In this edition of Caretaker Chronicles: Deep Dives & Daring Challenges, we spotlight Alexander Sturgis, a pivotal character whose loyalty and resilience illuminate the darker corners of the Ethan Fox universe. As a cornerstone of Jordanna Ravenwood’s inner circle within the Caretaker organization and a dedicated member of CAGE (Caretaker Anti-Grimleaver Enforcement), Alexander’s story is one of profound depth and complexity.

Character Profile: Alexander Sturgis

Alexander Sturgis is known for his commanding presence, marked by a tall, dark, and handsome appearance that conveys both dignity and strength. With dark brown hair, deep-set eyes, and a tan complexion, he embodies the traditional look of the Caretakers in his white and black robe, signaling his significant role within the organization.

Despite facing personal tragedies, including the loss of his best friend Odin Ravenwood and the harrowing abductions of his infant son and wife, Tiffany, Alexander remains undeterred. These events have only deepened his resolve, fueling his commitment to combat the malevolent Grimleavers. His life’s sorrows do not overshadow his strategic acumen or diminish his capacity for leadership and mentorship within the Caretaker community.

A Central Figure in CrisisWord hunt challenge for ‘Alexander Sturgis’ in the Ethan Fox April 2024 newsletter, reader challenge.

Alexander’s guidance is especially crucial during crises, where his strategic insights and calm demeanor help navigate the perilous waters faced with the Caretakers. His deep involvement in the battles against the Grimleavers showcases his courage and profound understanding of the threats they pose.

Bond with Ethan Fox

A significant aspect of Alexander’s narrative is his connection to Ethan Fox. He played a critical role in concealing the Hybrid Child in the human world, ensuring Ethan’s safety from dark forces. This decision not only intertwines Alexander’s destiny with Ethan’s but also adds a deeply personal stake in the young protagonist’s journey.

A Leader Marked by Tragedy

Alexander’s story is also a poignant reminder of the challenges faced when the human world collides with the realm of the Caretakers. His marriage to a human and the subsequent tragedies highlight the complexities and dangers of such unions, reflecting broader themes of loss, loyalty, and the ceaseless battle between good and evil.

As a mentor, leader, and man marked by profound tragedy, Alexander Sturgis adds significant depth to the Ethan Fox Original Series. His experiences resonate with the central themes of the narrative, making his character a crucial element in the unfolding drama and moral explorations within the series.

Join us as we continue to explore the lives and challenges of such intricate characters in our Caretaker Chronicles. Alexander Sturgis is just one of many who bring richness and vibrancy to the magical world of Ethan and Hayley. Stay tuned for more deep dives into the characters who navigate the daring challenges of the Ethan Fox universe.

Magical Milestones: This Month’s Must-Reads . . .

Dive into the vibrant community of Ethan Fox enthusiasts with our monthly roundup in Magical Milestones; This Month’s Must-Reads. This section brings you closer to the heart of the action, offering a variety of ways to connect and engage with the world of Ethan Fox and his friends.

Ethan Fox and Friends Calendar of Events: Ethan Fox May 2024 Highlights

Welcome to the May edition of the Ethan Fox and Friends Calendar of Events. This month marks several significant milestones and special releases in the Ethan Fox universe. Here’s what we’re celebrating:

  • May 1, 2021 – Anniversary of Wordly Pagemore’s Early Worm Activities & Games: The Eyes of the Desert Sand Edition. Celebrate the anniversary of this beloved addition to the Ethan Fox series. Launched in 2021, “Wordly Pagemore’s Early Worm Activities & Games” provided fans with a playful and interactive way to delve deeper into “The Eyes of the Desert Sand.” Join us in revisiting some of the fun and games that brought Ethan’s adventures to life.
  • May 1, 2024 – Behind the Scenes of Ethan Fox Books: Company Reboot. On this day, we commemorated the pivotal reboot of The Ethan Fox Books Company. This strategic shift not only enhanced our storytelling capabilities but also aligned our operations closer to the cinematic world, ensuring that the tales of Ethan and Hayley and their friends can be experienced in all their intended glory.
  • May 1, 2024 – Ethan Fox Books Presents: The Ethan Fox Original Series 2 BOOKS IN 1. Also marking its release anniversary, the “Ethan Fox Original Series 2 BOOKS IN 1” offers fans a special edition that combines the first two books of our series. This collector’s item is a perfect way for new readers to jump into Ethan’s magical world, and for longtime fans to relive the early adventures with added insights and a fresh perspective.


Each of these events is a key part of our ongoing journey and commitment to bringing you the very best of the Ethan Fox Books series. Mark your calendars and join us in celebrating these important dates, as we look back at where we’ve been and forward to where we’re going.

Enchanter’s Exchange: Your Direct Line to Ethan Fox’s World

Do you have burning questions about the Ethan Fox Books series? Dive into our Enchanter’s Exchange! This dedicated Q&A section bridges the gap between fans and creators, providing a platform for you to get direct responses from the minds behind Ethan and Hayley’s magical adventures.

Here’s a sneak peek at the types of questions we’ll be exploring in our upcoming newsletters:

  • Behind the Magic: How does the enchantment process work for a Caretaker? Get the inside scoop on the magical mechanics that keep Ethan and Hayley’s world ticking.
  • Character Secrets: What hidden motives drive your favorite characters? We’re revealing layers you might not have noticed.
  • Plot Twists: How do we craft the twists that keep you on the edge of your seat? Discover the thought process behind our most gasp-worthy moments.
  • World Building: Curious about how the hidden realms and elemental worlds of the Ethan Fox Original Series are created? Learn about the inspirations and challenges of building Ethan’s world.
  • Future Foreshadows: What hints have we dropped about upcoming adventures? We’ll discuss the breadcrumbs to watch for in recent installments.


Have questions of your own? Don’t hesitate to send them our way. Perhaps your query will be the highlight of our next newsletter! Simply submit your questions to me directly at [email protected] and engage in an enriching dialogue that deepens your connection to the series and enriches your understanding of Ethan’s universe.

Interactive Coloring Break for ‘Grubner officiating Alicia and Percy’s wedding’ in the Ethan Fox April 2024 newsletter.

Community Chronicles: The Knight, the Sword, and the Dragon – A Tale of Transformation

Meet Marcus, a 28-year-old digital artist who dabbles in fantasy illustrations. Marcus, with his lanky build and a shock of untamed dark hair often hidden under a beanie, is the quintessential creative soul, fueled by caffein and a love for all things fantasy. But beneath his laid-back demeanor lies a simmering anxiety about making a lasting impact with his art. For Marcus, the dragon he faces isn’t mythical; it’s the fear of obscurity and the struggle to find his unique voice in a saturated market.Interactive Who Said That? for ‘Ethan Fox and the Eyes of the Desert Sand’ in the Ethan Fox April 2024 newsletter, challenge.

What keeps Marcus up at night is not just his next creative project but a deep-seated fear that his work might never achieve the recognition he yearns for. He worries about being forgotten in the digital age, where new artists emerge every day. This anxiety often leads to creative block, making him feel stuck in a loop of unoriginality and frustration.

The pivotal moment for Marcus came unexpectedly one evening while browsing the Ethan Fox online community forum. There, amidst discussions and fan theories, he stumbled upon a thread discussing the art of storytelling through visuals in the Ethan Fox series. It was a revelatory moment for him, realizing how integrating deeper narratives into his artworks could enhance their impact and emotional resonance.

Armed with new inspiration and a revitalized sense of purpose, Marcus began to weave rich narratives into his artworks, turning each piece into a story of its own. His new series, “Knights of the Forgotten Realms,” not only caught the eye of more fans but also earned him spots in prominent online galleries and a feature article in a major fantasy art magazine.

Marcus’s journey from a worried artist to a celebrated storyteller underscores the profound impact that the Ethan Fox community – Ethan Fox Live – can have. It shows that sometimes, the sword needed to slay one’s dragons isn’t a weapon but a tool of creativity and connection, forged in the fires of community and shared passion. For Marcus and many others, the Ethan Fox forums are more than just a place to discuss a series; they’re a beacon of inspiration, a catalyst for change, and a reminder that every artist can find their unique voice and audience.

Reader’s Realm: Monthly KidsStagram Book Club Breakdown . . .

Dive into Reader’s Realm, the dedicated section of our newsletter that serves as the central gathering spot for all Ethan Fox KidsStagram Book Club members. Whether you’re a seasoned participant or considering joining the fun, this part of our newsletter ensures you’re well-equipped to fully engage with our vibrant book club community.

Here’s what you’ll find in each edition of Reader’s Realm:

  • Upcoming Reads. Get a sneak peek at next month’s book selection so you can start reading ahead of time. We provide a brief synopsis and why we think it’ll spark great conversations.
  • Discussion Recap: Review the highlights and favorite moments from the last meeting. We’ll share insightful comments and interesting viewpoints that were raised during our discussions, giving you a taste of the depth and diversity of perspectives within our club.
  • Meet the Members: Each month, we’ll feature a member of our book club. Learn about their favorite books, what they love about the Ethan Fox Books series, and some fun facts that make our community special.
  • Reading Schedule: Stay on track with our detailed reading schedule. This guide not only helps you prepare for upcoming discussions but also encourages a paced reading approach that fits into your busy life.
  • Interactive Q&A: Have questions about the current book or thoughts you’d like to discuss before the next meeting? Submit them here at [email protected], and we’ll address them either in the newsletter or in our next session, ensuring everyone’s voice can be heard.
  • Exclusive Content: From author interviews to behind-the-scenes looks at how the books were created, enjoy content that deepens your appreciation and understanding of the Ethan Fox universe.


Joining the Reader’s Realm is more than just reading books; it’s about becoming part of a community that shares a love for adventure, mystery, and the magical world of Ethan Fox. So grab your latest read, and let’s dive into another month of spirited discussions and delightful discoveries together.

Love Reading?  Join the Ethan Fox KidsStagram Book Club!


Interactive Trivia Roundup for E. L. Seer’s Writing Journey Part 1 in the Ethan Fox April 2024 newsletter, reader challenge.

Interactive Trivia Roundup for E. L. Seer’s Writing Journey Part 2 in the Ethan Fox May 2024 newsletter, reader challenge.


Ethan Fox Books Reader Fan Kits: Monthly Themed Treasures . . .

Immerse yourself in the enchanting world of Ethan Fox with our specially curated Ethan Fox Books Reader Fan Kits: Monthly Themed Treasures! Designed to transport you directly into the heart of Ethan and Hayley’s magical adventures, each kit is a treasure trove of themed delights, meticulously assembled to enhance your reading experience and deepen your connection to the beloved characters and their journeys.

What’s Inside: A Treasure Chest of Themed Goodies

Each Reader Fan Kit is brimming with meticulously selected items that celebrate the spirit of Ethan Fox’s adventures. From bespoke bookmarks designed to mark your journey through the pages, to character trading cards that bring Ethan, Hayley, and their friends to life, each piece is crafted with care. You’ll also soon find friendship bracelets that symbolize the bonds between your favorite characters, and much more. Every item is not only a fun addition to your reading ritual but also a piece of the Ethan Fox universe that you can hold in your hands.

Monthly Themes: New Adventures Await

Every month, we unveil a new kit, themed around the most recent book release or an essential plot point within the series. This thoughtful theming ensures that the contents of each kit are not only fresh and exciting but also relevant and enriching to the stories you’re currently enjoying. Whether it’s a dramatic turn in the saga or the introduction of a new character, the kit complements and expands your experience of the book’s world.

Collector’s Delight: A Growing Treasury

These kits are more than just fan merchandise; they are collectibles that grow in value with your Ethan Fox Books collection. Each item is a keepsake, perfect for collectors and enthusiasts who cherish memorabilia that captures the essence of their favorite literary world. As our collection expands, so too does the historical and emotional value of each kit.

Limited Edition: Exclusively Yours

Available only to our newsletter subscribers, these fan kits are offered on a strictly limited basis. Each kit is unique to the month it’s released, and once the month ends, that kit is retired forever, replaced by the next month’s offering. This exclusivity ensures that each kit is a rare gem, enhancing its collectability and special status among fans.

Embrace the Magic: Subscribe and Collect

Don’t miss out on these magical collectibles designed exclusively for the Ethan Fox community. Subscribe to our newsletter to gain access to these limited-edition fan kits and join a group of passionate readers who, like you, cherish every adventure that Ethan and Hayley undertake. Each month brings a new opportunity to dive deeper, explore further, and collect the magic of Ethan Fox Books.

Join us today, and let the enchantment of the Ethan Fox Books Reader Fan Kits add a new layer of joy and discovery to your reading experience.

Stay up to speed on the latest at Ethan Fox Books.


Interactive Spot the Difference puzzle for George in the Ethan Fox May 2024 newsletter, reader challenge.


Ethan Fox Community Highlights . . .

Dive into the heart of our reader community with the Ethan Fox Community Highlights, a dedicated and lively section of our newsletter that celebrates the creativity, insights, and enthusiasm of our fans. Each month, we shine a spotlight on the diverse and rich contributions made by our readers, showcasing everything from deeply thought-out reviews to engaging editorials and fan-created content.

What You’ll Discover Each Month: Ethan Fox May 2024Interactive How Many Words puzzle for ‘Shnickyrooners and things like that’ in the Ethan Fox May 2024 newsletter.

  • Reader Reviews: Gain insights from fellow fans through detailed book reviews that delve into the complexities of the Ethan Fox Books series. Discover new interpretations and revisit your favorite moments through the eyes of other enthusiasts. (Read full reviews on and


Ethan Fox and the Eyes of the Desert Sand

“. . . this is a debut book and wow does Mr. Seer hit it out of the park!” Kissablysweet1

“. . . an entertaining and well-written children’s book the whole family can enjoy.” Franchesca

Ethan Fox and the Shadow Princess

“. . . the author has created a world that just leaps off the pages at you as you read . . .” Melinda

“. . . the imagination is amazing and the story is perfect!” Cannady

Mayhem in the Moongarden

“Magical fun books for kids . . . teaching kids how to take responsibility and face challenges in the face of difficulties.” Nicki

“. . . children will be fascinated with the characters and of course they will be in awe with the world building . . .” Liz

“. . . a story full of magic, action, and a lot of activity. The pace is fast, the characters are adorable . . .” Priyanka

  • Editorial Insights: Explore compelling editorials written by fans and occasional guest contributors. These pieces offer thoughtful analyses of themes, character development, and the broader impact of the Ethan Fox Books series on contemporary fantasy literature.
  • Fan Contributions: Immerse yourself in a world of creativity with fan-submitted art, stories, and poems inspired by the series. This segment highlights how Ethan and Hayley’s adventures have sparked imagination across our community.
  • Community Discussions: Stay updated on the most vibrant discussions happening within our online forums and social media platforms. We summarize the hottest topics, fan theories, and debates, giving you the essence of community interactions and a chance to join in.
  • Special Features: Occasionally, we feature interviews with superfans or members of the Ethan Fox creative team, providing insider views and enriching your connection to the series.
  • Event Highlights: Learn about upcoming community events, virtual meetups, and book club sessions. Whether it’s an anniversary celebration or a themed discussion group, you’ll find all the details needed to get involved.


Join the Community:

The Ethan Fox Community Highlights section is more than just a part of our newsletter – it’s a gateway to a more interactive and fulfilling fan experience. By participating, you not only gain a deeper understanding of the Ethan Fox Books series but also connect with a like-minded community that shares your passion for magic and adventure.

We invite you to contribute your own reviews, articles, or artwork for a chance to be featured in future Ethan Fox and Friends Newsletter editions; Ethan Fox May 2024 debut. Engage with us and your fellow readers, and help us make the Ethan Fox Community Highlights a vibrant celebration of our shared love for Ethan and Hayley’s world. Join us each month to celebrate, discuss, and dive deeper into the magical world of Ethan Fox.

Stay Connected

Follow us on our Facebook, X, Instagram, and Pinterest social media platforms for daily updates and more fun.

Your Stories and Feedback

We love hearing from you! Send your stories, ideas, or feedback to [email protected]. Your input makes our community stronger.

Closing Thoughts

Thank you for joining us on this magical journey. We’re excited to bring you closer to the world of Ethan Fox and look forward to exploring every corner of this universe together. Remember, every issue will feature new stories, fan contributions, and a few surprises along the way!

Until next time, keep the magic alive!

Best wishes,

Brianna Tanglewood

Editor, Ethan Fox and Friends Newsletter


Ethan Fox May 2024 – Puzzle Solutions Revealed . . .

Don’t peek!

Interactive Poetic Puzzle for ‘The Eyes of the Desert Sand’ Solution in the Ethan Fox May 2024 newsletter, reader challengeWord hunt challenge for ‘Alexander Sturgis’ Solution in the Ethan Fox May 2024 newsletter, reader challenge.

Interactive Who Said That? for ‘Ethan Fox and the Eyes of the Desert Sand’ Solution in the Ethan Fox May 2024 newsletter.Interactive Trivia Roundup for E. L. Seer’s Writing Journey solution in the Ethan Fox May 2024 newsletter, reader challenge

Interactive Spot the Difference puzzle for George Solution in the Ethan Fox May 2024 newsletter, reader challenge.

Interactive How Many Words puzzle for ‘Shnickyrooners and things like that’ Solution in the Ethan Fox May 2024 newsletter.

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Secure your access to limited-edition Ethan Fox Books Reader Fan Kits. Each kit brings the series to life with unique memorabilia and deep dives into the magical world of Ethan and Hayley.

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Breaking Book News with Wordly Pagemore: Uncover New Realms in Ethan Fox’s Latest Adventure. Get Your Latest News here!

Ethan Fox KidsStagram Book Club

Love Reading?  Join the Ethan Fox KidsStagram Book Club!

Dive deep into the thrilling world of Ethan Fox with our exclusive book club. As a member, you’ll receive a free backstage pass to explore behind-the-scenes content, engage in enriching discussions, and connect with fellow enthusiasts. Sign up today and elevate your reading experience!

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