Ethan Fox Books logo featuring a dark blue book with Ethan and Stravis’ symbol representing the elemental world of Zephyr

Welcome to the World of Ethan Fox Books Reader Fan Kits

Large blue eye representing the Eyes in the Desert Sand presenting the Ethan Fox Books Reader Fan Kits.

Monthly Themed Treasures

Immerse yourself in the enchanting world of Ethan and Hayley with our specially crafted Ethan Fox Books Reader Fan Kits. Every month, we thoughtfully assemble a treasure trove of themed delights that transport you straight into the heart of the captivating adventures found within the Ethan Fox Books series. These carefully curated kits are designed to enrich your reading journey, offering a deeper, more interactive engagement with the spellbinding narratives and beloved characters of this acclaimed fantasy series.

Each Reader Fan Kit is packed with a variety of hand-picked items that resonate with the themes and spirit of the latest book. From exclusive collectibles that celebrate pivotal moments, to bespoke accessories that embody the essence of key characters, every piece helps bring the magic of Ethan and Hayley’s world off the pages and into your life. Whether it’s a beautifully illustrated poster, a detailed replica of an artifact from the series, or a set of character-inspired jewelry, each item is chosen to enhance your connection to the story and its vibrant setting.

Our mission with the Ethan Fox Books Reader Fan Kits is not just to complement your reading experience but to transform it, allowing you to live and breathe the world you love, with each kit serving as a gateway to further exploration. With every package, you’ll find exclusive content that adds layers to the tales you treasure, including behind-the-scenes insights into the series’ creation, letters from your favorite characters, and advanced teasers of upcoming plots.

Subscribe to the Ethan Fox Books Reader Fan Kits and join a community of passionate readers who share your love for adventure and fantasy. Let each month’s delivery add a new chapter of wonder to your Ethan Fox collection, as you collect, display, and cherish these magical artifacts long after turning the last page. Don’t just read about the adventures of Ethan and Hayley—experience them with us, month by month, in a celebration of fantasy that grows more thrilling with each kit.

What’s Inside Each Magical Kit?

Trading card featuring Blair Trabblemore from the Ethan Fox Books series.Each Ethan Fox Books Reader Fan Kit is like opening a chest filled with treasures, each item meticulously chosen to encapsulate the essence of Ethan and Hayley’s magical adventures. Here’s a peek at what you can expect in every magical delivery:

Bespoke Bookmarks: Every reader knows the value of a good bookmark, but these aren’t just any bookmarks. Crafted with exquisite designs, these bookmarks are thematic artifacts in their own right, reflecting the intricate details and vibrant scenes from the realms of Ethan and Hayley’s world. They’re not only functional but also enhance the visual and tactile experience of your reading journey.

Character Trading Cards: Dive deeper into the world of Ethan Fox with a collection of trading cards, each featuring beautifully detailed illustrations of key characters. These cards aren’t merely collectibles; they offer a glimpse into the personalities and hidden lore of the characters you love. Each card is a gateway to understanding the deeper narratives and secrets of the magical world, enriching your connection to the story.

Friendship Bracelets: More than simple adornments, these friendship bracelets are imbued with the symbolism of the deep connections shared between the characters within the Ethan Fox series. Each bracelet is thoughtfully crafted, ideal for sharing with a friend or treasuring as a personal keepsake, reminding you of the enduring bonds that thread through the series.

Exclusive Collectibles: Each kit also includes a variety of unique items that change with each installment, ensuring no two kits are the same. From limited edition prints that capture pivotal moments in the series to miniature replicas of magical objects, each piece is selected to bring a touch of Ethan Fox’s world into your own. These collectibles are designed to delight the senses and offer a hands-on interaction with the elements of the series.

Surprise Elements: We like to keep some elements a surprise to delight and intrigue you. Expect to find unexpected items that enhance your reading pleasure and deepen your immersion into the series. These could range from a scented candle that evokes the ambiance of a scene to a puzzle that unravels a mystery in an upcoming book.

Each Ethan Fox Books Reader Fan Kit is crafted to not only complement the books but to transform your reading experience into an adventure that extends beyond the page. Subscribe today, and treat yourself to a monthly experience that brings the joy and magic of Ethan and Hayley’s adventures directly to your doorstep.

Monthly Themes: Unlock New Adventures with Each Kit

Every Ethan Fox Books Reader Fan Kit is meticulously themed to align with the most recent book release or to highlight a critical plot point within the series. This careful theming ensures that every kit you receive is not only relevant but packed with excitement and intrigue that complements your reading journey.

Each month, as you unwrap your new kit, you’ll find that it enhances the narrative of the latest installment or deepens your understanding of the series’ ongoing themes. Whether it’s through items that evoke the suspense of dramatic turn, artifacts that relate to a significant event, or collectibles that introduce you to newly unveiled characters, each kit is designed to make the story’s world come alive in vivid, tangible ways.

  • Dramatic Turns and Saga Enhancements: With items that are directly tied to key events in books, your kit might include things like a replica of a newly discovered magical artifact or a puzzle that leads you though a maze of clues mirroring the plot’s latest twist. These elements are intended to give you a hands-on experience that mirrors the suspense and thrill of the story.
  • Character Introductions: When new characters are introduced in the series, your kit will help bridge the gap between the pages and your imagination. This might include detailed figurines, a first-person letter written from the perspective of the new character, or a secret diary that offers insights into their thoughts and motivations, enriching your connection to the narrative.
  • Enhancing the Setting: Items in your kit can also serve to flesh out the settings and worlds within the series. Imagine receiving a map that details unexplored regions or a set of postcards from various locales within Ethan and Hayley’s universe, each annotated with key facts and hidden lore.
  • Theme-Specific Collectibles: Beyond the practical and interactive elements, each kit may include collectibles that are specially crafted to embody the theme of the month. Whether it’s limited edition artwork capturing a pivotal scene or personalized membership cards inspired by the series’ aesthetics, these collectibles are designed to be cherished and displayed.

Set of personalized membership cards for the elemental worlds of Ethan Fox, including the exclusive black card post-award.

The careful curation of each Ethan Fox Books Reader Kit not only enhances your immersion into the series but also keeps the magic alive between readings. By integrating these thematic and interactive elements, each kit turns your reading experience into a multi-sensory adventure, making every aspect of the series more engaging and memorable. Join now and let each month bring a new chapter of excitement and discovery right to your doorstep.

Collector’s Treasure: Grow Your Magical Collection

The items included in the Ethan Fox Books Reader Fan Kits are far more than mere fan merchandise; they are valuable collectibles meticulously crafted to become an integral part of your growing Ethan Fox universe. Ideal for both serious collectors and dedicated enthusiasts, every item is carefully designed to embody the rich tapestry of the Ethan Fox series, ensuring that they hold both sentimental and potential monetary value over time.

  • Thoughtfully Crafted Collectibles: Each piece in the kit—from intricately designed figurines to limited-edition prints and bespoke artifacts—is created with the utmost attention to detail. These collectibles capture the quintessential elements of the Ethan Fox universe, making them not only memorabilia but also pieces of art that celebrate the depth and creativity of the series.
  • Enhancing Your Collection: As you accumulate items from each monthly kit, you will notice how they collectively tell the story of Ethan and Hayley’s adventures. With every new addition, your collection becomes a more comprehensive representation of the series, deepening your connection to the characters and the world they inhabit.
  • Increasing in Value: Over time, the exclusivity and limited availability of these items can increase their value, particularly as the Ethan Fox series continues to gain popularity. Early editions and special items from our kits can become particularly sought after by collectors, making your investment potentially grow in value as part of a vibrant collector’s market.
  • Preserving Memories: Beyond their collectible nature, these items serve as tangible memories of your journey through the Ethan Fox Books. Each item holds the potential to evoke the magic and emotion of the stories, serving as a personal archive of your literary adventure.
  • A Collector’s Community: By subscribing to the Ethan Fox Books Reader Fan Kits, you also become part of an exclusive community of collectors. This community often shares tips on preserving the collectibles, discusses the lore and details behind each item, and sometimes even organizes swaps or sales of rare pieces, enhancing the interactive and communal aspect of collecting.
  • Special Editions and Rare Finds: Occasionally, the kits will include special edition items that are available only in limited quantities or during special promotions. These rare finds further enhance the desirability and collectability of the fan kits, making each unwrapping an exciting treasure hunt.


Join the Ethan Fox Books Reader Fan Kits subscription today and start building a collection that not only brings you closer to the magical world of Ethan Fox but also stands as a testament to your dedication and passion for the series. Each item not only adds to your collection but enriches your experience, making each moment you spend with Ethan and Hayley even more memorable.

Limited Edition: Curated Exclusively for You by Nicholas Knight

The Ethan Fox Books Reader Fan Kits are not just exclusive but exceptionally rare treasures that are available solely to our dedicated newsletter subscribers. These kits are crafted under the expert guidance of Nicholas Knight, a beloved character from the Ethan Fox series, who brings his unique insight and passion to the curation of each collection.

Trading card featuring Nicholas Knight from the Ethan Fox Books series.Exclusive Availability: Emphasizing the exclusivity of these fan kits, access is granted only to those who are part of our newsletter community. This ensures that each subscriber receives a truly special product tailored to the most enthusiastic fans of the Ethan Fox universe.

Nicholas Knight’s Expert Curation: With Nicholas Knight at the helm, each kit is thoughtfully assembled to ensure it resonates with the themes and spirit of the Ethan Fox series’ lore. He selects items that not only enrich your reading experience but also deepen your connection to the world of Ethan and Hayley.

Monthly Limited Editions: Each month introduces a new kit, available only for that month. This limited availability makes each kit a rare gem, enhancing its value and collectability. Once the month ends, the kit is retired and will never be offered again, preserving the uniqueness of your collection.

Collectible Rarity: The limited run of these kits not only ensures that you possess a piece of exclusive Ethan Fox memorabilia but also that each item has the potential to become a valuable collectible over time. As the series grows in popularity, so too does the rarity and value of these limited-edition kits.

Preserving Exclusivity: By limiting the availability of these kits and entrusting their curation to a character deeply embedded in the Ethan Fox lore, we maintain a high standard of exclusivity and desirability. This approach not only delights collectors but also ensures that each kit is a worthwhile addition to any fan’s collection.

A Part of the Adventure: Owning these kits makes you a part of the ongoing adventures in the Ethan Fox series. Each item, carefully chosen by Nicholas Knight, serves as a tangible connection to the story’s events, characters, and settings, allowing you to live within the narrative in a uniquely personal way.

Subscribe to our Ethan Fox and Friends Newsletter today to gain access to the Ethan Fox Books Reader Fan Kits. Let yourself be swept away by the magic and wonder curated by Nicholas Knight, and own a piece of the Ethan Fox world that grows more precious with time. Join now and secure your access to these limited-edition treasures that promise not just to delight but also to become a cornerstone of your collection.

Subscribe Today for Magical Deliveries

Ensure you don’t miss out on these limited-edition treasures. Subscribe to our newsletter today to secure your access to the Ethan Fox Books Reader Fan Kits. Join a passionate community of readers who cherish the magical adventures of Ethan and Hayley as much as you do. Each kit is a new opportunity to dive deeper into the series, explore new elements, and collect exclusive memorabilia that brings the magic off the pages and into your hands.

Ethan Fox Books Reader Fan Kits: Join the Adventure Today!

Are you ready to enhance your journey through the Ethan Fox series? Subscribe now and let the Ethan Fox Books Reader Fan Kits add an extra layer of magic to your reading experience. Embark on a monthly adventure that promises new discoveries and timeless treasures with every kit.

PLEASE NOTE: Currently, Ethan Fox Books Reader Fan Kits are available only to subscribers within the continental 50 states of the United States of America. We are exploring ways to expand our reach and hope to offer these treasures more broadly in the future.

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Varied arrangement of Ethan Fox Books series characters

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