Ethan Fox Books logo featuring a dark blue book with Ethan and Stravis’ symbol representing the elemental world of Zephyr

Ethan Fox Special Edition April 2024: Exciting Exclusive

Brianna Tanglewood embodies protagonist evolution, elegantly posed, in Ethan Fox Books series.

Ethan Fox and Friends Newsletter

Volume 1, Issue 1 – April 30, 2024 – Special Edition Newsletter

Meet the Editor of the Ethan Fox and Friends Newsletter: Brianna Tanglewood

We are thrilled to announce that Brianna Tanglewood, a key figure in the Ethan Fox Books series and a revered member of the CAGE (Caretaker Anti-Grimleaver Enforcement) team, will be taking the helm as the Editor of the Ethan Fox and Friends Newsletter – debuting with the Ethan Fox Special Edition April 30, 2024 issue. Known for her resilience, wisdom, and unique serpentine grace, Brianna brings a depth of experience and a personal touch to our community.

With her profound understanding of the Caretakers’ world and her relentless pursuit of justice, Brianna is perfectly positioned to guide our content, ensuring that each issue is as engaging and enlightening as the stories within the Ethan Fox Books series. Her unique perspective and insightful leadership will undoubtedly enrich our discussions and enhance our connection to the magical world of Ethan Fox.

Join Brianna as she steers our newsletter through the magical realms of adventure, uncovering secrets, sharing exclusive updates, and bringing the community closer together. Welcome aboard, Brianna!


Ethan Fox Special Edition April 2024: Embracing a New Company Chapter

Welcome to a Transformative Era

Dear Ethan Fox Community,

As we gather here to mark the exciting launch of the Ethan Fox and Friends Newsletter – Ethan Fox Special Edition April 30, 2024 – it is with great enthusiasm that we announce the transformative reboot of The Ethan Fox Books Company website and blog, a milestone event that took place on April 30, 2024. This initiative is far more than just an update – it signifies a strategic and visionary shift, seamlessly integrating our cherished book series into the expansive and dynamic realms of film and interactive media.

This reboot is not just a facelift for our website and blog but a comprehensive reimagining of how the Ethan Fox universe can be experienced by fans old and new. With this change, we aim to bridge the narrative elements of our books with the engaging possibilities offered by visual storytelling, enhancing the way stories are told and experienced. By incorporating cutting-edge technology and innovative multimedia elements, we are setting a new standard for fan interaction and engagement.

The updated website and blog are designed to serve as a gateway to the adventures of Ethan and Hayley and their friends, providing a richer, more immersive experience. Through interactive features, rich media content, and direct links to film adaptations, we are crafting an environment where fans can not only read about but live within the magical worlds we’ve created. This pivot is not just about keeping pace with digital trends, but about leading the way in how literary content complements and enhances film narratives, and vice versa.

Our goal with this ambitious reboot is to create a seamless narrative continuum that allows fans to step in and out of Ethan and Hayley’s world through various media. Whether through the pages of a book, the clips of a movie trailer, or interactive online content, we want our audience to have a continuous and engaging experience that enhances their connection to the Ethan Fox Books series.

This strategic shift towards a more integrated approach to storytelling is designed to captivate and inspire our audience by making each interaction with the Ethan Fox Books brand a discovery of new layers of adventure and intrigue. We believe that the future of storytelling lies in the integration of these mediums, and with this reboot, The Ethan Fox Books Company is at the forefront of this exciting frontier.

Why the Reboot?

Initial concept art of Brianna Tanglewood’s protagonist evolution, standing on her coiled tail in the Ethan Fox Books seriesThis decision to undertake a comprehensive reboot of The Ethan Fox Books Company website and blog were driven by our steadfast commitment to elevating the art of storytelling, transforming it into a more visual and interactive experience. Ethan and Hayley’s adventures have captivated readers for years, and we believe that by integrating state-of-the-art visual and interactive elements into our platform, we can make these adventures even more immersive and engaging for our audience.

In today’s multimedia landscape, the lines between different forms of media are increasingly blurring. As such, the ability to adapt our narrative content seamlessly into film is more crucial than ever. This reboot is not merely an update – it’s a strategic overhaul designed to bridge the gap between the traditional written narratives of The Ethan Fox Books Company and the dynamic, visually-driven medium of cinema. By doing so, we can ensure that the transition from book to screen is as fluid and enriching as possible.

With the rise in popularity of film adaptations of literary works, there’s a growing expectation among fans for a more cinematic interpretation of their favorite books. Recognizing this trend, our reboot aims to create a synergistic relationship between the Ethan Fox Original Series and potential film adaptations. The new website and blog are crafted to support this vision by featuring enhanced multimedia content such as behind-the-scenes videos, interviews with creators, interactive story maps, and much more. These elements not only enrich the user’s experience but also lay the groundwork for introducing the characters and the world of Ethan Fox to a broader audience through cinematic adaptations.

Furthermore, this reboot is an opportunity to innovate how stories are told. By incorporating interactive technology into our website, we are not just telling stories; we are inviting our audience to participate in them. This interaction promises to deepen the connection fans have with the narrative, allowing them to explore the rich world of Ethan Fox in a manner that is active and personal.

In essence, the reboot of The Ethan Fox Books Company website and blog reflects our ongoing dedication to enhancing and evolving the storytelling experience, ensuring that it remains as compelling on the screen as it is on the page. It’s a reflection of our commitment to our readers and viewers, to deliver not just stories, but truly memorable and engaging experiences.

Exciting New Features to Anticipate on the Revamped Website and Blog

As we usher in a new era for The Ethan Fox Books Company, prepare to step into Ethan and Hayley’s universe as never before with our fully revamped website and blog. Here’s what you can look forward to:

  1. Enhanced Visual Design: Experience the upcoming film adaptations through a rich visual palette, with high-quality gallery images and upcoming dynamic video content that mirror the cinematic feel of the movies.
  2. Interactive Features: Dive deeper into the fantastical worlds of the Chrysalis and hidden realms with engaging quizzes, augmented reality experiences, and interactive maps that reveal the elemental worlds – Atlantis, Ceres, Hades, and Zephyr – and hidden realms within the books.
  3. New Official Ethan Fox Fan Page: Discover a host of new features including:
    • Free Ethan Fox Wallpaper Downloads: Decorate your digital space with vibrant artwork from the series.
    • Ethan Fox: Secrets, Spoilers, and Teasers: Get the inside scoop on upcoming twists and turns.
    • Ethan Fox Series Community Forum, launching in Q3 2024: Join discussions, share insights, and connect with fellow fans in a vibrant community space on Facebook with Ethan Fox Live.
    • Ethan Fox: Vote, Engage, and Win: Participate in polls, engage in contests and win exclusive prizes.
  1. Ethan Fox KidsStagram Book Club: Enter the Ethan Fox Book Club Circle on our YouTube channel, a vibrant hub for young fans to explore Ethan and Hayley’s adventures. Engage with interactive content, from puzzles and games to creative crafts and digital storyboards, enhancing literacy and fostering a sense of community among readers.
  2. Ethan Fox Books Reader Fan Kits: Gear up with all the essentials every fan needs to fully immerse themselves in the Ethan Fox universe.
  3. Book Bundle Releases: Stay excited with new book bundle combinations aimed at keeping our titles on the Amazon New Releases List. Look forward to:
    • Ethan Fox Books Presents: The Ethan Fox Original Series 2 BOOKS IN 1
    • Ethan Fox Books Presents: Double Delight: Ethan Fox Book 1 & Its Companion Puzzler 2 BOOKS IN 1.
    • Ethan Fox Books Presents: Twin Treasures: Ethan Fox Book 2 & Its Puzzling Companion 2 BOOKS IN 1.
    • Ethan Fox Books Presents: Triple Trouble: Ethan Fox Books 1 & 2 and add some Mayhem.Full cover (front and back) of “Ethan Fox Books Presents: The Ethan Fox Original Series 2 BOOKS in 1” by E. L. Seer
  1. Ethan Fox Discovery Zone: Stay excited with the Ethan Fox Discovery Zone project; again, aimed at keeping our titles on the Amazon New Releases List – in between Ethan Fox Original Series book releases – in perpetuity. Look forward to:
    • Ethan Fox Activities & Games Books: Coloring books, dot-to-dot books, and maze books.
    • Ethan Fox’s Pocketbooks for On-the-Go Adventurers Series: Compact books designed for dynamic young readers.
    • Hayley’s Chronicles: A Planner Series for Every Facet of Teen Life: Planners that cater to the comprehensive needs of young adults.
    • Ethan Fox KidsStagram Imagine Magazine: A quarterly magazine filled with insights, stories, and activities – all hosted by the Ethan Fox Books characters.
  1. Enhanced Ethan Fox KidsStagram Blog: Run by our four main characters – protagonists and antagonists alike, Ethan, Hayley, Blair and Caden – this blog delivers rich content aimed at filmmakers and enthusiasts similarly, covering characters, places, things/events, and cutting floor scenes.Caden, Hayley, Ethan, and Blair in a collage highlighting their quest-driven plot in children’s fiction.
  2. Integrated Social Media: With improved integration, sharing your favorite Ethan Fox moments and engaging with the community is smoother than ever.


These updates are just the beginning. Join us as we continue to innovate and expand the Ethan Fox universe, bringing new dimensions to your favorite characters and stories. Get ready for a more immersive, interactive, and visually stunning experience. Let the adventure begin anew!

When and Where to Experience the Reboot

Mark your calendars and set your bookmarks! The newly revamped Ethan Fox Books website and blog are live now and waiting for you to explore. Visit us at and to witness the transformation firsthand.

This is your opportunity to dive deeper than ever into the richly woven tales of Ethan and Hayley and their companions. The updated sites are not just portals, but gateways to adventure, packed with enhanced features and immersive content that brings the stories to life in vibrant detail.

From anywhere and at any time, whether you’re at home on your computer or on-the-go with your mobile device, the magical world of Ethan Fox is just a click away. Engage with interactive features that will take you behind the scenes, delve into the depths of the Ethan Fox universe, and explore content designed to enrich your experience of the series.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to see how the Ethan Fox Books series has evolved for the digital age. It’s all happening now at and – your destinations for all things Ethan Fox. Join our community of fans and fellow adventurers today and be part of the ongoing journey into this enthralling world.

How We’re Accomplishing The Ethan Fox Books Company Reboot

This extensive reboot of The Ethan Fox Books Company is a monumental undertaking that has been brought to fruition through the unwavering commitment and collaborative efforts of our talented team at The Ridge Publishing Group, as well as our invaluable partners spanning the digital design and film production industries.

From the outset, our goal has been to create an unmatched user experience that not only respects the legacy of the Ethan Fox Books series but also propels it into the future with innovative digital storytelling techniques. To achieve this, we have mobilized a diverse group of experts – ranging from graphic designers and web developers to multimedia specialists and cinematic artists – all working in concert to breathe new life into the world of Ethan Fox.

In-House Artistic Development:

Our in-house team has been instrumental in redesigning every aspect of the website and blog, ensuring that each element – from the layout to the interactive features – echoes the magical and adventurous spirit of the Ethan Fox Books series. They’ve crafted stunning visual content that complements the narrative depth of the books, creating a cohesive and inviting digital environment.

Collaboration with Technology Innovators:

We have also partnered with leading tech innovators to integrate the latest in augmented reality, interactive mapping, and user interface design. These collaborations have allowed us to transform static content into dynamic interactions that engage users more deeply with the stories and characters they love.

Engagement with the Film Industry:

Recognizing the potential of the Ethan Fox Original Series for cinematic adaptation, we’ve worked closely with film industry professionals to ensure that the website and blog serves as a bridge to potential film projects. This involves aligning the site’s content with the visual and thematic elements that filmmakers and audiences expect from blockbuster adaptations.

Feedback and Iteration:

Throughout this process, we’ve engaged with fans and users to gather feedback, which has been invaluable in refining and optimizing the website and blog. This iterative process ensures that the sites not only meet but exceed the expectations of our audience, providing platforms that are both informative and immersive.

Ongoing Updates and Enhancements:

Even after the launch, our work continues. We are committed to continually updating and enhancing the website, adding new content and features that keep pace with advances in technology and shifts in user engagement. This commitment ensures that The Ethan Fox Books Company website and blog remain leading destinations for fans and a fitting showcase for the series’ ongoing expansions.

Through these concerted efforts, we are setting a new standard for how literary content is presented and experienced in the digital age. The Ethan Fox Books Company reboot is not just a project; it is a passion, driven by our love for storytelling and our dedication to the fans who make Ethan Fox a beloved figure in young adult literature.

Who’s Leading the Charge?

The ambitious reboot of The Ethan Fox Books Company is spearheaded by a dedicated group of visionaries who are deeply committed to the fusion of literary art and cinematic expression. Guided by the creative prowess of E. L. Seer, the original creator of the Ethan Fox Books series, and our dynamic new newsletter editor, Brianna Tanglewood, this initiative benefits from leadership that is both innovative and deeply rooted in the narrative fabric of the Ethan Fox universe.

E. L. Seer – The Visionary Creator:

Ethan Fox Books logo featuring a dark blue book with Ethan and Stravis’ symbol representing the elemental world of ZephyrE. L. Seer has been the backbone of the Ethan Fox Books series from its inception. His visionary writing not only birthed a richly woven tapestry of characters and the adventures but also set the foundation for the broader universe that fans have come to love. Seer’s deep involvement in the reboot ensures that every new development remains true to the spirit of the original series while also embracing the possibilities that modern technology and film adaptation offer.

Brianna Tanglewood – From Character to Editor:

Brianna Tanglewood, a beloved character within the series, now serves as the editor of the Ethan Fox and Friends Newsletter – debuting with the Ethan Fox Special Edition April 30, 2024 issue – bringing a unique perspective to our team. Her evolution from a fictional protagonist to a voice for the fanbase is emblematic of our innovative approach to this reboot. Brianna’s deep understanding of the series’ inner workings and her profound connection to the community make her an invaluable asset in bridging the gap between the old and the new.

The Creative Teams at The Ridge Publishing Group:

The Ridge Publishing Group logo with ‘The Ridge’ at top, mountain outline in middle, and ‘Publishing Group’ at belowThe creative teams at Ridge Publishing are the unsung heroes of this reboot. Comprised of talented graphic designers, web developers, content strategists, and digital artists, these professionals work tirelessly behind the scenes. Their expertise in digital storytelling is transforming the static pages of a website and blog into an interactive and immersive experience that engages fans in entirely new ways.

Collaborative Synergy:

Additionally, the reboot is bolstered by a collaborative synergy between different departments within Ridge Publishing and our external partners in technology and film production. This collective effort ensures a holistic approach to the reboot, integrating insights from various fields to create a seamless and engaging user experience.

Ongoing Leadership and Innovation:

As we move forward, the leadership team remains committed to innovation and excellence. They are not only responsible for overseeing the current reboot but are also laying the groundwork for future expansions that might include virtual reality experiences, interactive storytelling, and potential adaptations into other media forms.

This group’s passion for the Ethan Fox universe and their commitment to its evolution is what drives this reboot. Under their guidance, The Ethan Fox Books Company is set to become a leading example of how traditional literary content can be transformed in the digital age, providing a blueprint for others in the industry to follow. Their leadership is not just about managing a project; it’s about inspiring a legacy.

Embark on This Enchanted Journey With Us

As The Ethan Fox Books Company embarks on this thrilling new phase, we extend a heartfelt invitation for you to join us in shaping the future of this beloved series. The transformations we are implementing are not merely updates; they are revolutionary ways to deepen your connection with the world of Ethan Fox. This is about bringing the stories and characters you love into a new era, where the boundaries between reader and story blur into an immersive experience.

A New Era of Storytelling

We are on the cusp of introducing a series of bold adaptations that promise to bring Ethan and Hayley’s adventures to life like never before. From dynamic digital interfaces that allow for interactive story exploration to potential film and television adaptations that aim to translate our enchanting narratives onto the big screen, each step is designed to enhance how you experience our universe.

Your Role in Our Evolving Story

Your continued support and enthusiasm have been the cornerstone of The Ethan Fox Books Company’s success. As we navigate these exciting changes, your engagement is more crucial than ever. We encourage you to dive into the enhanced features of our new website and blog, participate in community forums, and explore every new format we offer. Your feedback and participation will help guide the direction of Ethan and Hayley’s ongoing saga.

Gratitude for Our Community

We are profoundly grateful for the unwavering passion and commitment our readers have shown throughout the years. It is your dedication that inspires us every day to push the boundaries of what we can achieve with the Ethan Fox Books series. As we turn this significant page together, we are eager to embark on a chapter filled with even more magic, adventure, and innovation.

Here’s to the Magic Ahead

Let’s raise a toast to new beginnings and to the countless adventures that lie ahead. We are excited to continue this journey with you, enhancing and expanding the Ethan Fox universe. With every step, we are committed to making each moment unforgettable, filled with the wonder and excitement that you have come to expect from us.

Join Us, and Let the Magic Begin

We invite you to be part of this magical transformation. Visit our new website and blog, engage with the fresh content, and let us know what you think. Together, let’s explore the new horizons of Ethan Fox’s world, filled with all the mystery, thrill, and allure of our enhanced storytelling landscape.

Thank you once again for being such an integral part of our community. Here’s to embarking on new adventures and creating memories that will last a lifetime in the enchanting world of Ethan Fox.

Warm regards,

Brianna Tanglewood

Editor, Ethan Fox and Friends Newsletter

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Visit The Ethan Fox Books Official Blog at for additional stories.

Headshot of Eric Moeszinger, also known as E. L. Seer, for the About the Author section

About The Author: Eric Moeszinger—the creative force behind the enchanting world of Ethan Fox Books—is a storyteller whose tales are steeped in the essence of his own life. Writing under the pen name E. L. Seer, the “E” representing Eric and the “L” a nod to his beloved wife Lori. Eric’s literary journey, from Sacramento roots to engineering, culminates in inspiring stories that will resonate with readers and viewers alike for generations to come. He blogs at the Ethan Fox Books Official Blog: KidsStagram and can be found on X @EthanFoxBooks, Facebook @EthanFoxBooks, Instagram @EthanFoxBooks, and/or Pinterest @EthanFoxBooks.

Headshot of Lori Moeszinger for the About the Author section on the website

About The Author: Lori Ann Moeszinger—the visionary behind The Ridge Publishing Group—is a storyteller at heart, crafting narratives that resonate and empower. She writes under the names: Lori Ann Moeszinger for her biblical and personal pieces; Ann Patterson for her legal expertise pieces; L. A. Moeszinger for her AuthorsDoor and blog pieces; and a handful of others for the Urban Chronicles Publishing House and The Manhattan Diaries series. A former lawyer turned author, publisher, and creator; she inspires change through storytelling—passion drives her pen, crafting tales that inspire action and faith.

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Varied arrangement of Ethan Fox Books series characters

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