Ethan Fox Books logo featuring a dark blue book with Ethan and Stravis’ symbol representing the elemental world of Zephyr
Varied arrangement of Ethan Fox Books series characters

Film Proposal Request Form


Legal Disclaimer for the Film Proposal of “Ethan Fox and the Eyes of the Desert Sand”:

This film proposal, including all ideas, concepts, characters, storylines, visual representations, and other materials contained herein, is the exclusive property of The Ethan Fox Books Company, an imprint of The Ridge Publishing Group. The contents are provided for discussion purposes only and are intended to be shared exclusively with the recipient of this proposal, under conditions of confidentiality.

The recipient acknowledges that this proposal is shared in trust and that no part of this proposal may be disclosed, reproduced, or used for any purpose other than evaluation for potential collaboration, without the prior written consent of The Ridge Publishing Group. This proposal does not constitute an offer, agreement, or binding commitment for any party in respect to any project. Any development, production, financing, or other steps related to the project are subject to formal written agreements, to be negotiated and executed by the relevant parties.

All discussions, negotiations, and activities undertaken as a result of this proposal are non-binding and have no legal effect unless and until a formal written agreement is executed by all necessary parties. The sender of this proposal does not waive any rights to the content herein, including but not limited to copyright, trademark and other intellectual property rights.

Failure to adhere to these terms may result in legal action to protect the intellectual property and proprietary rights of The Ridge Publishing Group.

This disclaimer is designed to protect the intellectual property contained in the film proposal and to clarify that discussions and negotiations are non-binding until formal agreements are made.

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